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Having a Blog On Your Casino Site: Good for SEO or Conversion Blocker?

Silver Oak Casino Good online casino blogs need to provide interesting content for end users and they need to be updated on a regular, if not daily, basis. By these standards, the Silver Oak Casino blog is a great example of how a casino blog can add real value for everyone involved. Silver Oak does…

10 Content Innovations For Your Affiliate Website

A lot of people assume that affiliate webmasters are hamstrung for interesting content. However, there is some real ingenuity evident in the affiliate market, which just goes to show that, with a bit of inspiration, you can wring a lot of variety out of our niche. Here are ten innovations from affiliates, who have thought…

Why Native Advertising Won’t Survive … According to Some

Native advertising has been a hot topic for the past year, and it continues to make the headlines this year as well (here, for example). There's a particular opinion circulating around that native advertising will soon see its demise. Does it remind you of anything? Like, for instance, "the death of blogging," "the death of…

Cardplayer Lifestyle: A Content Marketing Case Study

[caption id="attachment_40317" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Cardplayer Lifestyle owner,  Robbie Strazynski"][/caption] Successful content marketing campaigns involves a lot of moving parts and a pretty significant time commitment. Besides creating the actual content, which is a big time suck all on its own, a good content marketing strategy involves elements of SEO, social media and other promotional tools…

2014 Kentucky Derby Content Tips & Promotions

The Kentucky Derby, a.k.a. The Fastest Two Minutes in Sports, is approaching faster than the well-conditioned colts that run it. That’s great news for sports betting affiliates because the Run for the Roses is one of those events that appeals to huge demographic slices, not just your run-of-the-mill sports bettors. (No offense to run-of-the-mill sports…

Adding a Second Language to Your Website: Good or Bad Idea?

There are two routes that may suggest that it is time for you to add a second language to your website: You have a penetrated a second market niche and the NEED for it arises. This means that you already have a built audience that speaks another language. For American affiliates, this audience will usually…

Content Shock: What it is and How You Can Avoid it

Is the world of world of content marketing roaring towards a head-on collision with the law of supply-and-demand? That's the suggestion blogger Mark Schaefer made in a recent posting titled, Surviving 'Content Shock' and the Impending Content Marketing Collapse. Schaefer's thought is that there's an exponentially larger amount of content on the web every year,…

Now Is the Time to Jump on the User Generated Content Bandwagon

User generated content has been a rapidly growing force in Internet marketing since the Web 2.0 era began right around 2004. Sine then, user generated content sites like YouTube, Facebook and a host of others have dominated the digital landscape. In the casino affiliate world, a few sites like have embraced the concept (with…

How to Find Contributors for your Website Content

A fact that every web publisher knows is that creating good content takes a lot more time than we'd all wish it did. And the worst part is that without good content, you won't be able to attract visitors through various social media channels, and probably even more importantly, you won't be able to attract…