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Getting Your Sites Ready for Super Bowl XLVII

NFL football betting represents a huge chunk of revenue for sports betting affiliates and Super Bowl XLVII is their last crack at the lucrative market until August. Every year serious bettors and newbies drop upwards of $10 billion on Super Bowl betting. According to an article that ran in the Dallas Morning News, only around 1%…

Is the UFC a Good Bet for Sports Betting Affiliates?

[caption id="attachment_31641" align="alignright" width="197" caption="UFC champ Anderson Silva has 2.9 million Twitter followers."][/caption] In 2012 there were a total of 341 Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) fights spread out across 31 events and 14 pay-per-view events. It's incredibly popular with young men in the 20's and UFC PPV events regularly draw 350,00-450,000 buys. With so much…

Sports Handicappers: Why They’re Good and Bad

[caption id="attachment_31537" align="alignright" width="256" caption="Handicapping legend, Jimmy the Greek"][/caption] In the world of sports betting, players are always on the lookout for any edge they can get over the house. That's why most sports betting affiliates employ a sports handicapper (or two) to help attract and convert players. But in a business that's built on…

College Football Bowl Season Content & Social Media Tips

College football's bowl season is a 35-game, 70-team, month-long mini-season that gives sportsbook affiliates a last crack at converting college football bettors. That bevvy of bowls covers a huge range of fans and is the perfect way to kick-start your social media efforts in a big way. College Bowl Content While nowhere near as popular…

Pinnacle Sports Owner Out To Fight Indictments

[caption id="attachment_30289" align="aligncenter" width="425" caption="Pinnacle Owner Hires Top Lawyer"][/caption] Pinnacle Sports owner Stanley Tomchin is not going down without a fight and has hired high profile gaming lawyer Jeff Ifrah, a partner of the Washington DC based law firm Ifrah Law who also represents Full Tilt Poker. The indictments were sent out last month from…

Thanksgiving, Black Friday Tips for Casino Affiliates

For casino affiliates, Thanksgiving can be a tough time for making ends meet. Between family obligations; budget constraints; and that dreaded Black Friday shopping, plenty of players wind up taking some time off. But it doesn't have to be that way. If you're willing to target your content and marketing efforts, Thanksgiving weekend can be… Re-Named, the Canadian arm of the giant operation, is changing its name to The change is part of a strategic initiative aimed better serving the company's non-American, English speaking customers. The new name and branding are set to go live sometime on Friday, November 9. In a press released posted on the company's…

Online Sportsbooks of the Past

Online sportsbooks come and go, but our memories of them, for better or worse, aren't going anywhere. Now that Halloween is over, here are a few of the most memorable online sportsbooks that passed to the other side...though many of their domains live on today with different owners. (Feel free to share your own memories…