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What Happens Beyond the Link?

This is no news, but link building is still the main way for affiliate marketers to build their search engine presence. And that's even after the recent Google banning of sites being a part of private blog networks (PBNs). However, getting links isn'y always as straightforward as finding the right prospects and then blasting them…

Why to Pay Attention to Page Level Metrics When Building Links

If we ask the question, what is the #1 thing you can do to improve your search engine rankings? In the blink of an eye, you'd say that it's links. And you would be right. No matter what Google does to try to convince us that "quality content" is the only way to go, links…

Who Should Be Careful With Google and Search Arbitrage

Google is known for cracking down on low-quality sites and content. This has been true for a long time for both the organic search results, as well as the paid side of the spectrum - Google AdWords. However, in some mysterious way, still manages to go "unnoticed" and continue utilizing their search arbitrage practices on…

Visual Content vs. SEO, What Is the Battle About?

These days, visual content continues to gain more online market share by the minute. It's actually reported that over a billion (!) images are shared daily. Taking a look at Tumblr, we can surely see the trend in action. Around 75 percent of posts on the platform are image posts, and what's more, 90 percent…

September 2014 SEO News

September 2014's SEO headlines included a major Panda update that impacted some very specific industries; a Google assault on private blog networks; and plenty of comings and goings from the big search engine shops. In short, everyone in the SEO world came back from their summer vacations rested and ready to get back to business.…

The Start of In-App Search Apps and Why We Should Pay Attention

A couple of weeks ago, we saw the launch of an app simply called In-App Search, as covered by TechCrunch. What it does is rather simple in nature. It delivers a search feature that goes through the other apps you have installed on your device and returns the results based on the content it finds.…

Could Google “Knowledge Vault” Be The Future Of Search?

Google is constantly on the lookout for new and more effective ways to deliver their search engine results. In fact, when we look at the core of their mission, "ranking websites according to their relevance" is nowhere to be found. Google is about something entirely else. And that something is providing answers to the problems…

How to Make Sure Bing Displays the Correct Title for Your Web Page

For years now, Google has been known for altering the meta description of our content on their results pages - something we don't always appreciate. In short, what Google does is it goes through the content of your page, looks for a phrase that's related to whatever the user is searching through Google Search, and then displays…

How to Truly Measure Your Social Media Results

Although social media has become one of the main elements of our online lives, many affiliate marketers in the iGaming space - and in general - don't know how to effectively measure their results and how to create a social media campaign that would turn out profitable. Here are some of the main things you…

Why Mobile Search Still Drives the Highest-Intent Players

Mobile search is the leading edge of web marketing for casino affiliates who are looking for quick conversions and high value players. The challenge for mobile-minded affiliates is understanding what makes mobile search, and mobile players, different from their desktop-bound counterparts. Once you've made that connection, adjusting your strategies to take advantage of the mobile…