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How To Avoid Duplicate Content

Posting duplicate content on your sites has never been a great idea because it's not customer friendly. In the post-Panda world, posting the identical content in multiple places can seriously damage your page rankings and make visits from Google's web crawling spiders less and less frequent. Though the problems surrounding duplicate content sound simple, once…

Google Panda 3.3 Released

[caption id="attachment_17884" align="alignright" width="237" caption="Panda3.3 includes 40 individual changes."][/caption] Depending on who your ask Panda 3.3, the latest algorithm update from Google, is either the end of link building and SEO as we know it; or it's no big deal. It's all in the eye of the beholder. But since Google is pretty tight lipped…

SEO Tips for Increased Page Rankings

Search Engine Optimized (SEO) Web content and newspapers are a lot alike; the information that gets noticed on either format reside on the top of the page, or above-the-fold. SEO guru Neil Patel recently shared some of his best tips for keeping your content in that critical above-the-fold real estate on the Google search results…

Content Marketing with SEOLinkVine

The last few Panda updates from the hive brain at Google have sent a clear message to the affiliate marketing world that content matters more than ever. Publishers who rarely considered the quality, or quantity, of their content are now scrambling to come with new articles and are looking to link building applications like SEOLinkvine…

Online Communities Build Affiliate Value

Internet and affiliate marketing have always been about making connections and building a community out of those connections. Online communities bring together like minded consumers and give them a forum to freely discuss their favorite topics. For affiliate partners, building an online community is inexpensive, and extremely effective, marketing tool that can drive traffic and…

Black Hat SEO, White Hat SEO: What’s The Deal?

Black Hat and White Hat SEO practices are a lot like the fictional little angel and little devil that sit on our shoulders dispensing advice. One of them offers solid advice that's always the right thing to do, while the other one offers up short cuts with short term benefits. We all know that we're…

Using NoFollow Links On Internal Pages

How highly do search engines value internal links? That's a question many affiliates grapple with when trying to determine when, and where, to use follow no follow tags. It's not easy and even SEO experts aren't in agreement about the best use of  follow no follow tags. But just understanding the basics of follow no…