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Google Panda Update Due This Week

Google is launching a major attack on spammers this year starting with a major Panda update sometime in the next week. Matt Cutts confirmed the impending update at the SMX Conference in San Jose earlier this week. Besides saying the update should roll out on Friday, or Monday at the latest, Cutts was short on…

Keywords and Pronouns: Natural Language for Optimized Articles

One trend has been the same post Penguin, Panda, as well as whatever non-intimidating animal Google decides to name its next big update, keyword density and its value to SEO has been on the decline. If your understanding of keyword and keyphrase densities needs a little brush up, read the very brief explanation on the…

SEO Habits for the Post Penguin/Panda World

[caption id="attachment_32477" align="alignright" width="279" caption="It's a white hat world out there."][/caption] Search engine optimization (SEO) just ain't what it used to be. Between Panda and Penguin, the pathway to top SERPs is long, involved, and there's no such thing as an SEO shortcut anymore. Today's SEO is all about the end-user experience. Google overlords like…

SEO Mistakes Even the Pros Make

Keeping up with SEO best practices these days is difficult at best. Techniques you may have used successfully for years can be rendered worthless with a single Google algorithm update. Given the nature of this shape-shifting beast, it's not surprising that even SEO professionals aren't catching everything. In a recent blog post titled, 5 SEO…

Exact Match Domain Best Practices

Last year's Exact Match Domain (EMD) Update is one of Google's most misunderstood algo updates yet. While the update does punish low-quality EMDs, it didn't kill the practice entirely. In a recent SEOMoz blog titled, The Exact Match Domain Playbook: A Guide and Best Practices for EMDs, by Todd Malicoat laid out some strategies for…

The Real Guide to Google Penguin

Google's constant algorithm changes are leaving behind them a trail of broken websites and tear-stained cheeks. Here's the no-nonsense guide to making sure your website excels with the new changes. 1. Become a hub of information that is relevant and highly viral. On the Internet, there are "centers of gravity" in every industry that other…

Google Updates: January 2013

January 2013 might be remembered as one of the weirdest months for Google updates, maybe ever. With only one official update, the past few weeks were filled enough speculation and intrigue to last all year. Panda 24 On January 22, Google announced Panda 24, their first, and so far only, algorithm update of the year.…

Did Google Just Launch a Panda Update?

Did Google roll out a major algorithm update last week? The search engine says they didn't, but on SEO forums, webmaster are telling a very different story. SEOs first noticed the update-that-didn't-happen last Thursday. Among the signs pointing towards an update were reports of major traffic drops and collapsing page rankings. But Google very quickly…