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Betting On the Masters Golf Tournament

The Masters Golf Tournament is the Super Bowl of professional golf, but as a sports betting opportunity, it frequently gets shortchanged. That’s too bad because PGA golf tournaments are the perfect opportunity for grabbing players from some very desirable demographic groups. Whale of a Demographic If you’ve ever watched a PGA tournament broadcast you probably…

Habits of Highly Effective Affiliates

When asked why he robbed banks, a famous bank robber once replied, “Because that’s where the money is.” At CAP, we that sentiment applies well to the affiliate marketing world. While we certainly don’t advocate robbing banks, we do believe that if you’re looking for good advice, you need to go straight to the source.…

Google Play Brings Google World Under One Roof

Google launched their Google Play feature this week with the hope of further consolidating and integrating their ever growing product portfolio. But for regular Google users, and anyone who isn’t following the tech world closely, deciphering the purpose of Google Play can be a bit tricky. That’s not surprising given the fact that Google Play…

Illinois Lottery Online Sales a Hit

Last Sunday the Illinois Lottery became the first American lottery game to begin selling ticket and all indications are that they've got a big hit on their hands. By the end of day Sunday, the first day tickets were available online, sales had topped more than $15,000. Sales are expected to remain strong for the…

SIS Strikes Deal with Hong Kong Jockey Club

[caption id="attachment_18836" align="alignright" width="259" caption="Serving Hong Kong bettors for over 100 years."][/caption] Satellite Information Services (SIS) will be the new provider of English and Scottish League football statistics to the Hong Kong Jockey Club (HKJC) under a new deal announced this week. SIS holds the exclusive distribution rights on this and is partially owned by…

Google Algorithm Updates Impact Affiliates

[caption id="attachment_18761" align="alignright" width="214" caption="Content is king, and so is Google."][/caption] Google rolled out a record 40 new algorithm updates in yet another sign that the search engine giant is serious about taking on back link builders and content farms head on. Though most of the new changes are less than a month old, they've…

Social Media Marketing for Gaming Affiliates

Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn are some of the most powerful, and reasonably priced marketing tools available to gaming affiliates today. But because the medium is still developing, many webmasters still aren't certain how to integrate social media into their overall conversion strategies. But with hundreds of millions of current users and…

March Madness for Gaming Affiliates

With 68 college basketball teams competing in 67 games over two and a half weeks, March Madness, the NCAA College Basketball Tournaments is one of the biggest events in the sporting world. It's also a huge opportunity for sports book affiliates to reach new players who might be flying under the gaming radar. The Big…

Spanish iGaming License Developments

[caption id="attachment_18455" align="alignright" width="200" caption="Spain; home of cathedrals and would-be online gambling"][/caption] Spanish gaming license applicants could hear word on their status in as little as two weeks, according to recent reports in Electronic Gaming Review. But the sudden resignation of Spanish gaming boss Juan Carlos Alfonso Rubio could throw a wrinkle in the process.…