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What to Do With Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test Tool

A couple of weeks ago, Google announced their new "Mobile-friendly" labels. Those labels are displayed alongside certain search engine results to indicate whether the site is mobile friendly or not. It's believed that sites that are mobile-friendly by Google's standards should get additional boost on the mobile search results pages. Naturally, sites that are not mobile-friendly…

The Pigeon Update and Its Impact on Businesses

We've witnessed a lot of talk after the recent Pigeon update. Many businesses and site owners have been affected by the update in some way, which has forced them to adjust their approach and search engine optimization methods. So let's take a look at what's been going on and what is the possible direction for the local…

How Has Paid Search Evolved?

With new devices being released every year, new trends in their design, and new marketing techniques overall, we will continue seeing changes in search advertising as well. Here's what's worth paying attention to: 1. Larger Devices Taking Over Around a decade ago, every phone manufacturer was trying to make their devices as small as possible. Then came…

The State of SEO Agencies

There's been a very interesting study shared at Search Engine Journal a couple of weeks ago. It speaks about SEO agencies and the current trends in the SEO business in general. The study was built on a survey that reached 400 respondents, including SEO agencies, SEO clients, and even people actively refusing to work with an…

3 Small Paid Optimizations To Make

PPC is an ever-changing space where new techniques get developed literally every month. And not only that, but the platforms themselves return the favor and introduce new features almost just as regularly. This forces us affiliates to constantly stay on our toes and look for new ways to optimize our campaigns and improve our CTRs just a…

The Keys to Getting Properly Indexed

There are many actions you can take when working on your site's SEO. However, the very first step should always be to simply make sure that your site has been properly indexed. Although it is true that eventually Google will come across most pages on your site, it's a lot better solution to just serve those…

Is Social Advertising Replacing Search?

According to a study released earlier this year by CMO Council, 54 percent of marketers plan to boost their online budgets in 2014. Marketing managers keep gaining confidence in their online efforts as the results they're able to bring through the different channels available on the web keep growing. But that's not the most interesting part of the…

How To Make SEO and Conversion Rates Work Together

One of the best methods to improve the conversion rates that your landing page is getting is through A/B split testing. There's hardly anything that comes even close to it, and that's due to the fact that when performing a split test, you're actually working with real visitors who come to your site for specific…

Why User-Centered SEO Creates Value

The standard way of doing SEO has always been to find the low hanging fruit - the most popular key phrases with the least amount of competition - and try placing your pages as high up on the results pages as possible. This is a sound strategy, and there's nothing essentially wrong about it, but…