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Google Dishes PageRank Penalties to Link Sellers

Google has penalized a UK newspaper group for engaging in a huge link selling plan that pushed the limits of Google's tolerance for paid content. Webmasters on both sides of the plan felt took a major PageRank hit as a result of the scheme. While sites are routinely warned, and punished, for this type of…

SEO Habits for the Post Penguin/Panda World

[caption id="attachment_32477" align="alignright" width="279" caption="It's a white hat world out there."][/caption] Search engine optimization (SEO) just ain't what it used to be. Between Panda and Penguin, the pathway to top SERPs is long, involved, and there's no such thing as an SEO shortcut anymore. Today's SEO is all about the end-user experience. Google overlords like…

SEO Mistakes Even the Pros Make

Keeping up with SEO best practices these days is difficult at best. Techniques you may have used successfully for years can be rendered worthless with a single Google algorithm update. Given the nature of this shape-shifting beast, it's not surprising that even SEO professionals aren't catching everything. In a recent blog post titled, 5 SEO…

Cutts Tells How to Spot Unnatural Links

[caption id="attachment_32334" align="alignright" width="229" caption="Matt Cutts"][/caption] Google has good news for SEOs who've been receiving unnatural link warnings but were unable to identify them. In a brief video released today, Google Web Spam Chief Matt Cutts explained how to spot these links, as well as what Google is doing to make this process easier in…

The Real Guide to Google Penguin

Google's constant algorithm changes are leaving behind them a trail of broken websites and tear-stained cheeks. Here's the no-nonsense guide to making sure your website excels with the new changes. 1. Become a hub of information that is relevant and highly viral. On the Internet, there are "centers of gravity" in every industry that other…

Matt Cutts Comes Clean on Negative SEO

[caption id="attachment_32106" align="alignright" width="234" caption="Matt Cutts, SEO Extrordinaire"][/caption] Negative SEO is not only very rare, but it's also easy to combat with Google's Disavow Links Tool. That's what Google Webspam Team Head Matt Cutts said in a recent Youtube video on the controversial subject. In the five-minute video aimed at webmasters, Cutts says that there's…

Google Affiliate Guidelines: Getting Back to SEO Basics

Whether they like it or not, everyone who does business on the Internet is captive to the whims of the only search engine that matters. Google. The massive Mountain View, California firm controls upwards of 66% of the Internet search market and around 44% of the online advertising market. Though Google will eventually face some…

SEO Practices to Ditch in 2013

#1 - Link Removal Popular SEO wisdom these days is that time spent removing bad links might be better spent building good ones. The thought is that since good links are worth more long term, that's where the time/money should be spent. This might come as surprise to SEOs who thought that Google's Disavow Links…