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Google Webmaster Update Includes Rich Snippets

Google released a set of Webmaster Guidelines updates this week that are aimed at reining in rich snippet abuse. The update is a mix of Panda and Penguin concepts but the underlying message is undeniable: spammy links and content are not part of Google's big plan for the Web. While we definitely recommend any webmaster…

Google Update Targets Exact Match Domains

Matt Cutts has announced a new Google algorithm update targeting exact match domains (EMD). Though Google says the update is targeted at "low-quality" EDMs and should be impacting less than 0.6% of queries, but SEOs are saying otherwise. Word of the EDM update came on Friday through Cutts' Tweet reading: Minor weather report: small upcoming…

Q3 Google Panda Update

[caption id="attachment_27651" align="alignright" width="259" caption="Google has some big ideas, and Panda is just one of them."][/caption] Did Q3 signal the end of Google Panda's ability to strike terror into the hearts of SEOs? With each passing month, and each Panda refresh, the number of search queries impacted by Google's bad-content killer keeps getting smaller. Here's…

Google Rolls Out Panda Refresh

[caption id="attachment_27047" align="alignright" width="215" caption="This Panda's not so bad."][/caption] Google recently rolled out another Panda refresh that shows just how effective the once feared update has been. This latest refresh,  impacted just 0.7% of all queries; the smallest number yet. The refresh was announced through Google's official Twitter feed in the, now familiar, style: Panda…

Unforgettable SEO Quotes

[caption id="attachment_26984" align="alignright" width="170" caption=""SEO is not spam," Matt Cutts"][/caption] The world of SEO is full of memorable moments, unforgettable characters and is definitely fertile ground for memorable quotes. Here are a few of our very favorite quotable SEO moments. SEO is like acupuncture and homeopathy: It works even if you don’t know how or…

Google Algorithm Updates Top Concern for SEMs

If Google algorithm changes are keeping you up at night, you're hardly alone. Ninety percent of SEMs are feeling significant impact from Google algorithm changes and the rise of mobile search. That's the major take away from the SEMPO State of Search Marketing Report 2012. The report drew from over 900 survey responses from SEMs…

Google Rater Guide Leaked to Forums

Google's 2012 Quality Rating Guidelines have been leaked to online forums in what's becoming something of an annual tradition. The 161-page document is used by human raters to help shore up the company's vaunted algorithms. The documents, and a large number of screen shots of the rating dashboard, began showing up on forums over the…

Google Timeline: The Search Engine’s Most Powerful Events To Date

Affiliates and Google have a love-hate relationship that usually veers more towards hate than love. Here are a few of Google's biggest moments for affiliates over the years. 1998 - Google Incorporates While thousands of affiliate partners go on about their lives, Larry Page and Sergey Brin are about to unleash Google on the world.…

Google Panda Updates: Summer 2012

Google's Penguin update dominated SEO news over the summer months this year, but our old friend the Panda was lurking in the woods. Over the course of the past few months, there's been a number of Panda updates and refreshes that SEOs should definitely know about. Here's a roundup of all the summer's top Panda-Related…