(Pantasia handle the payments for 400, Simon Says, Slots of Fortune & Superior as well as their own).
This time the 400 Group have surpassed themselves as I am still waiting for my MAY commission, which is now 17 days late. (They are supposed to pay by the 15th of each month).
But am I the only one?
Please can you vote on the LONGEST you had to wait for Pantasia to pay any of your MAY commissions?
I emailed you on the 24th to inform you that you had chargebacks and you most likely don’t have any commissions earned for May and your account had to be reassessed. At the moment I am checking to see if all bank wire payments are cleared and I have less than a dozen affiliates who are owed money that need to update their payment information. Those affiliates are being contacted. Regarding your account I am going to email you now.
Hi John,
I only know of 2 players with charge-back issues which I e-mailed another 400 group rep about in early May. He confirmed on May-11th that ‘BAND’ meant they were banned for fraudulent activity. So your accounts people had from early May to June 15th to sort the chargeback issue (at least 5 weeks), and now they’ve taken another 2+ weeks on top. Even taking these two players out, I was always owed something, and this does not explain the delays in earlier months either.
I’m sorry it sounds like I’m having a go at you – you know it’s not personal & that I really love Rival casinos and their affy programs, but I’m sure you can understand just how frustrating it is to have to keep on suffering these late payments and excuses which frankly are pretty lame.
Best regards,
I emailed you on the 24th to inform you that you had chargebacks and you most likely don’t have any commissions earned for May and your account had to be reassessed. At the moment I am checking to see if all bank wire payments are cleared and I have less than a dozen affiliates who are owed money that need to update their payment information. Those affiliates are being contacted. Regarding your account I am going to email you now.
400 Group: I received my May payment on the 15th (one month late).
But they also included my June payment so that was on time!
Pantasia & Simon Says: Received June’s on July 23rd = 8 days late.
(That’s the latest Pantasia have EVER been, and the 2nd latest for SS).
I’m normally pretty patient and don’t worry about things like this, but this constant month after month lateness finally got to me & I just ‘snapped’!
What irks me the most is on most Rival affy websites it says something like “Reliable payments on time every time – by the 15th of the month”. To me “by the 15th” means usually before, or at the very latest on the 15th. To keep delaying it means they are basically lying – and I think everyone knows how I feel about casinos who lie or deceive their players, and the same goes for their affiliates.
If they can’t pay by the 15th they should remove that promise from their terms and replace it with a date they can guarantee to achieve.
Just my 4.5c! ” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />
What I’d like to know is; how is that Sloto’cash can pay via QT within hours after the month ends, are they doing a peer to peer? Can’t other programs do that? That’s key in getting afffiliates on board.
Well, Slotocash has their own processors, so they can pay whenever they want. Everyone else is waiting on Rival to get off their bags and pay.
Can’t other programs do that?
Yes, they can — they just choose not to. :sarcasm:
I wish more programs would pay on the first day of the month.
I received payments from Lion Slots (July 11), Slots of Fortune (July 11), and 400 Affiliates (July 15), all appearing to be from “Pantasia.” I am still waiting for a payment from Simon Says. I haven’t earned enough with Superior or Pantasia/Mayan Fortune to get paid, so I don’t know if either of those programs have paid yet.
I should also note that I received payment from Sloto’Cash on the 1st of the month. Sloto’Cash doesn’t use the Pantasia processor. :inlove:
400 paid on time and now that I checked I have a small commission due from Pantasia (processing 7/11)
What I’d like to know is; how is that Sloto’cash can pay via QT within hours after the month ends, are they doing a peer to peer? Can’t other programs do that? That’s key in getting afffiliates on board.
I GOT my wire for march ,april and may just last week.I didnt realise they owed me so long ,we changed from ecocard to moneybookers and the acct number was entered , not the email address and really surprised they didnt contact me to fix it.It was only when i emailed about the may payment that james made me aware that they we me 3 months and the amount was too high for moneybookers.First time in 18 months i have issues with payment and i will not hold them liable for this one although other programs do send us email when there is a problem with our payment details.It also gave me incentive to put one of the employees here on the ball to track the money we are owed and record the payments more carefully.She was putting simonsays payments under pantasia as being received May’s payment was just a bit too large for me not to notice and lucky for me i guess i contacted james about it.
Ah that’s great I almost knew that would be a problem with their lousy form which does ask for an “account number” under moneybookers. Same thing at sloto. I’ll have to change that now.

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