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Breaking news: PokerStars offices raided in Costa Rica

Casino Affiliate Programs has learned that the Costa Rica offices of the world’s largest online poker site, PokerStars, has been raided today by local authorities, presumably in connection with the United States Department of Justice, although that has yet to be confirmed.

“PokerStars continues to operate the world’s largest poker room, business as usual,” a PokerStars rep posted on the TwoPlusTwo Forum, both reassuring players and confirming the story. “It is true that the OIJ is currently at the PokerStars Costa Rican office and has sent employees home temporarily, but employees will be able to return in a few hours. PokerStars expects the office to return to business as usual in short order as this action was most likely taken as a response to problems experienced by other local companies in the same industry.”

Initial rumors suggested that the U.S. government was involved with the raid, but sources so far confirm only the involvement of local authorities. PokerStars had already been allowing players to withdraw payments, in a separate agreement with U.S. authorities. No word yet on how this news will affect that situation.

As to the point of the raid and the involvement of the Costa Rican government, most info at this point is speculation, though some convincing comments have been made suggesting that authorities fear the company may not pay its employees. Unconfirmed reports also suggest that the CEREUS headquarters were raided, as well. More on that as info becomes available.


The CAP team has even found video of the raid on a Costa Rican television site. Check it out here.