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Post in thread too! Using Sex to Sell Casino

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AmCan asked 3 years ago
So i know that i and many others in the business have tried (at least years ago) to advertise on adult sites looking to find gamblers, with little or no success. It’s pretty clear that a guy looking at porn won’t suddenly be drawn away from it for a game of poker. We tried mens’ sites like Maxim which are more lifestyle than porn, to no success.

Recently Harrahs took over the Casino in Windsor and renamed it Caesars Windsor. Here is an ad they’ve been running on tv in Detroit (yes canada is next to Detroit) for the casino.

Maybe i’m getting it wrong here, but if i go gambling and partying at Caesars i’m going to pick-up a hot blonde for the night?

So, i’ll bet it works for a land based casino better than online. opinions?

15 Answers
bonustreak answered 3 years ago
I tend to think no it does not work. While in Vegas last week they had a pole type dance going on with 2 chics right in the middle of the table games, none of the guys were paying attention to the chics and the ones walking past stood a few seconds looked and moved on. I tend to think when men are gambling they have their mind on the money and that is about all but I could be wrong.

cagney12 answered 3 years ago
I agree with Bonustreak, I do not think the sex and gambling mix, the mind is on one or the other, maybe a few are exception, however certainly not worthy of an advertising campaign.

Henrik_Betway answered 3 years ago
Think the promise of beautiful girls/ sex could attract men to a site or land based casino, but harder to get a bloke that is already on a beautiful girls page to leave it for a gambling page since he is already occupied.

So a bloke that has nothing to do and then see an advert with beautiful girls and a link to a casino will most likely press it if he is on a newspaper site.

I hope you get my drift.


rob3786 answered 3 years ago
Yes couldn’t agree more. Also I thought it was illegal to have TV adverts making gambling appear like it helps you to pick up women.

Martyn answered 3 years ago
The chicks dancing in Vegas are there to put the gamblers off their game so they lose more. But I dont this this ad is that great, plus I prefer Clair’s mate!

Anonymous answered 3 years ago
Hi all,

when I first started out I used free hosting etc that is given by porn sponsors and drifted that direction for a couple of years and even set up a site that was one of the first to have amateur pictures but I hid the girls faces in shadows or by use of the camera.

this was the only way I’d ever get my girlfriends to pose.

Was a lot of fun but didn’t pay much as I was too new and for instance found out the pictures i was offering for free were of better quality than the ones on my sponsor sites wanted a subscription to see.

anyway one thing I learned from that was that the free counters provided by the adult niche had a search engine on their end which if a surfer clicked on the counter’s logo at bottom of the page it took them to the search engine.

There were like 3 places I used. Anyway the search engine(s) used to send me about 60 or 80 clicks a day where I had set up a section that had those cartoon porno ladies presenting a different casino on each page.

Long story somewhat shortened: They actually did convert though not at amazing numbers by any means but hey it was free traffic (I ought to look into it again) and was a great way to get some exposure into the gambling aff world without having knowledge of SEO or spending a fortune for PPC campaigns.

This was a long time ago but I’m thinking the names of the counters were all very similiar .. perhaps sex counter, sex tracker and … can’t remember the third one but I think at least one of the two mentioned is correct and possibly both names are right.

Seems like sex counter and sex tracker were both the bigger contributors anyway if i remember right.

sipka answered 3 years ago
Men have hard time with multitasking. Fact. :inlove: (Just test your hubby: talk to him while he is looking for something in the fridge. He will close the fridge door totally forgetting about what he wanted to do in the fridge. <span title=” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />)

Sex OR gambling, but not both together for men.
Women on the other hand can play bingo, slots and scratch-cards at the same time.

So when a man goes to a porn site, he wants sex, nothing else. When he visits a gambling site, he wants to gamble, girls can come second <span title=” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />


Dominique answered 3 years ago
So how is Playboy casino doing?

I think men like to be seen in the company of pretty girls, it makes them feel good about themselves. They stand at the Roulette table with a sexy girl on their arm – I believe it makes them more confident (and bet higher and lose more).

In other games you need to concentrate more and the pretty girl is only good if she is also pretty quiet.

If online sex and casinos would mix, they would have done so long ago, with both of them being profitable.

Offline – I think men just like the idea od being surrounded by pretty girls, even if they pay them no mind for most of their stay.

Just look at all the pics men get taken at conferences, surrounded by pretty girls…. got to be an ego thing.

Maybe i’m getting it wrong here, but if i go gambling and partying at Caesars i’m going to pick-up a hot blonde for the night?

Hehe. All the latest rage in comps – Get 2 nights and 3 days free accomodations and sex. Just play xxxxxxxx points every day and enjoy your time in gambler’s heaven.


rmeeuwsen answered 3 years ago
Seems to be the opinion here that the two do not mix well. So much for the TV version of gambling and other “vices”.

Apparently the quest for money overrides the other “needs” for a longer sustainable period of time! :hattip:

AmCan answered 3 years ago
Since the 1980s when nude (wear a belt or hat and you’re not nude) dancing was ruled legal, windsor has been know for it’s “Ballet”. The casino is about 14 years old, was hot until after 9-11 and since the casinos opened in detroit. In fact the casino went from $950 million in revs the year before detroit opened 3 casinos and only about $200 million in 2007.

Caesars and a $400 million addition of a showroom and conference is designed to improve the image and increase business. So far after 1 month, it’s working local restaurants and bars are reporting increased traffic for the first time in years.

So, i think the idea of the ad is clearly “women like a winner” and to push the fantasy of going to the casino, ala james bond. I think that windsor’s reputation for strippers and a legal escort industry helps to make the ad sell even better in detroit, toronto, cleveland, where people have heard about windsor.

I think online gaming is about winning/money as the reason for playing, where going to a land based casino ALSO involves socializing, being seen, feeling special. If the ad works, it’s probably because of the social nature of land based gaming.