A little over a year ago, I was introduced to Google Chrome, and I do not think I can ever go back. By far, IMO, the most user-friendly browser out there!
While most of my sites are WP driven these days, I still occasionally develop custom sites. Hence having all major browsers for testing purposes is a valuable asset.
I work with about 7-8 windows open with anywhere from 3-9 tabs each
with FF it would bog me down with chrome I fly

I used to like Opera a lot. I remembered how fast the pages would load it was unbelievable. Sadly, google docs doesn’t work so well on it so i changed to Firefox. At present, i’m shuffling between Firefox and Chrome depending on the mood.
On a totally different note… Hi Zoorana!!! It’s been a while!!! So great “seeing” you around. Hope all is well!
Chrome doesn’t hog memory like firefox, and its features are just majestic.
I tried chrome when it first came out and I wasnt impressed, is it time to give it a shot again?
I was the same way.
I went from loving Firefox to using Internet explorer then back to firefox and now Chrome.
– I actually use IE when I want to use check some affiliate stats I have bookmarked there (and while running some automated stuff on one of the other browsers).
– I also use firefox when I want to use the great add-ons.
This leaves me with chrome on a daily workhorse basis. I leave all the curd behind on the other two browsers and operate leaner and faster with chrome.
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