Having a quick look around at some of the usernames posting on here I am pleased to see i know some of you and even more exciting is that there are many many names I don’t know at all.
I say more exciting, as there is nothing better than getting to know new people who have an interest in my passion, my passion being search related matters!!
I should introduce myself, so here we go…
I’m Jason Duke, normally known as JasonD online, but for those that know me, and some of those that don’t I am often spoken about in Anglo Saxon terms. Many of those comments are well deserved but I’ll let you make your own opinion in time.
I was asked to assist and participate here in the great CAP forums by my old friend Bob Rains.
It has been a few years since I was active in a heavy and healthy online community (of which this is) my last being Threadwatch.org, the definitive old timers, SEO community originally founded by Nick Wilson then taken over by my pal Aaron Wall, but one thing I do know is search and search engine related matters. Most recently having taken a site from not ranking in the top 1000 results anywhere in the globe to number 1 around the world for a one word gaming phrase. Surfice to say it was, and still is, a majorly competitive area!!
I don’t know if I will be able to assist or help with any of your sites’ problems, issues or your general questions but please ask away. If I dont know then it is likely I wil be able to find out and if I can’t then at least we can be ignorant together and hopefully share the digging towards the answer we both want.
So please be gentle with me, but at the same time don’t be afraid to give me a kick up the arse when you think I need it. I have tough skin and can take it.
So all in all, good to be on board with you guys n gals ” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />
let’s see how long u last . SEO mods don’t last long on CAP
” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />
A little oemph in life is a good thing ” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />
Good to see you here and looking forward to Amsterdam – Hopeing the sequin jacket will be out again!
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