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Do you get sciatica?

thisisvegas asked 3 years ago

Or other related work place (I sit in a chair all day) type of injuries? For me it seemed to come out of nowhere but I have it on the right side and my calf muscle has been burning literally for 6+ months and it’s horrible. Treatments/therapies include acupuncture (check), Yoga (not yet), massage (check), physiotherapy (check). I have talked to a lot of people and it seems to stem from being in chair often and my posture.

I thought I had this taken care of by doing martial arts for 4+ years but this spring I had to slow down on muay thai since things were not improving. I now have home exercises and am supposed to take breaks. Just want to know if I’m not the only one who’s had this. I hate it!


32 Answers
Renee answered 3 years ago
I always have a burning sensation in my shoulders from sitting too long, mind you every 5 minutes I’m moving around into a different position or even standing…

I think its from driving so much.. I drive about 15-20 hours per week to and from work.. I go to physio every couple of weeks and have accupuncture etc which helps heaps for awhile, but if its not kept up, the pain comes back..

Apart from that, i’m the clumsiest person on the planet… EVERY time I get up from my chair i hit my knee on something. Anything. I walk into walls that I can see quite clearly… Not sure what it is about me… Maybe I’m just too careless..

AmCan answered 3 years ago
I have a thing that get’s my left thigh burning if i sit or stand too long. I’m told if I lose some weight it might help. When i’m on the low end of my weight range, it is less of an issue.

worst is trying to play craps, they won’t give you a stool.

geof answered 3 years ago
@bc4u 179618 wrote:

That looks like quite a contraption, but bet it’s good once you get used to it, like you say.

It’s not that bad of a gymnastic <span title=” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />

@bc4u 179618 wrote:

Just noticed the way I am sitting on this wooden chair in my apartment, sitting at an angle, and too low, and all kindsa things.

Posture is one of the thing that you really need to pay attention to, indeed 8 hours or more per day in a bad position will always give you back problems.
Ask some advice from professionals.

bc4u answered 3 years ago
That looks like quite a contraption, but bet it’s good once you get used to it, like you say.

Just noticed the way I am sitting on this wooden chair in my apartment, sitting at an angle, and too low, and all kindsa things.

geof answered 3 years ago
I have quite a severe discal hernia but do not want operation. Dammit i’m still too young <span title=” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />
My ergonomic chair really helps.
Have a look on
It reduces a lot the pressure that builds up on your spine, that means the sciatica gets relieved as the nerve is not pressed that much any longer.
The position is a bit weird at first, i needed about 10 days to get used to it, but now i do not want to sit on anything else.
With that one you would need to get your screen at your eye level too, so that your back keeps being straight.

bc4u answered 3 years ago
Renee;179550 wrote:
Youre not alone mate.. I think I spend about 14-15 hours a day on a computer… As soon as I get home I find myself turning mine on and I sit there for hours… If it wasn’t for being screamed at to eat, I probably wouldn’t do that either.. In fact, I think there was one day over the weekend that I didn’t eat dinner because I forgot <span title=” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />

Renee, hehe, you’re crazy lady!!

No wonder why Rewards Affiliates is the best program around – Because you are working 24/7!!!

bc4u answered 3 years ago
GamblersLand;179578 wrote:
I have it.

I had a severe pain running from my lower back down to my calf for about a month and it was difficult to find a comfortable sitting position and walk. I finally went and had an MRI and found out I had 2 herniated discs in my lower back that were pressing on my sciatic nerve. It is now mainly in my leg and the only thing I have been able to do is take medication to cope with the pain. I was told that surgery was about 50/50 and that is a chance I don’t want to take. I have heard that going to a chiropractor and having your spine stretched does sometimes help but I haven’t wanted to try that either. It sucks being 32 and having this to look forward to this pain the rest of my life but what can you do? If you find something that works, I would love to hear about it.

Sorry to hear about that.

I do in fact know someone, who 4 years ago was in the same situation. He had a traffic accident, which pushed 2 disks out of place from the bottom of his spine which were then pressing on his nerve and making his leg numb and painful. He went to various doctors and specialists and they all said that all he can do is take pain killers and said that it was too dangerous to operate. He took it on himself to do yoga and do as much as he can do to strengthen his back and ‘look after it’ as much as he could. He saw one specialist who said that the out of place disks, can actually ‘dissolve’ over time and he could be left with no problems. And hey, 4 years later, they did that. When he does something strenuous, he still has some pain, but he’s back to working – So pretty much back to normality.

Hope that shines a ray of light on your situation – When the doctors say there is no solution and you’re stuck with it for the rest of your life – DON’T BELIEVE THEM AND GIVE UP!!! :wink-wink:wink-wink

GamblersHeaven answered 3 years ago
I have it.

I had a severe pain running from my lower back down to my calf for about a month and it was difficult to find a comfortable sitting position and walk. I finally went and had an MRI and found out I had 2 herniated discs in my lower back that were pressing on my sciatic nerve. It is now mainly in my leg and the only thing I have been able to do is take medication to cope with the pain. I was told that surgery was about 50/50 and that is a chance I don’t want to take. I have heard that going to a chiropractor and having your spine stretched does sometimes help but I haven’t wanted to try that either. It sucks being 32 and having this to look forward to this pain the rest of my life but what can you do? If you find something that works, I would love to hear about it.

thisisvegas answered 3 years ago
it’s easy to work and get in “the zone” and not wake up or take breaks. Lately I have been better at it but if things gets worse i’m going to create my own pop-ups to tell me to go for a walk or something. I just want this gone so I can go back to muay thai.

Renee answered 3 years ago
@bc4u 179539 wrote:

Speaking off aching and pain…!

Really not good, I go to work for 8 hours sitting at a computer, and then return to find myself turning on my laptop and getting started on ‘tweaking’ some things on my site, until I know it, owwwwww!!!!

Youre not alone mate.. I think I spend about 14-15 hours a day on a computer… As soon as I get home I find myself turning mine on and I sit there for hours… If it wasn’t for being screamed at to eat, I probably wouldn’t do that either.. In fact, I think there was one day over the weekend that I didn’t eat dinner because I forgot <span title=” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />