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April Mid Month Poll – How’s Business

Professor asked 3 years ago
Ok Guys its the middle of the month…. How’s business?
7 Answers
ntaus8 answered 3 years ago
IMO stats were bad for the first half of the month because of Easter. I’m seeing a big difference today and, hopefully, it will pick up from now on.


Professor answered 3 years ago
Its also US Tax season which is ALWAYS a drag until after the filing deadline which is today.

Whales tend to be well off, they therefore carry a large tax burden (or a massive amount of deductions and a VERY comples tax return) and are concentrating on getting that cleared up before they get in the playing mood.

Dominique answered 3 years ago
See me rocking in my avatar? It’s working for me. <span title=” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />

I rock except for easter weekend.thumbs.gif

4flush answered 3 years ago
Little below average so far.

Hopefully it will start to turn now tax time and Easter is over.

LadyHoldem answered 3 years ago
Government assistance for me folks… hope you guys are right, I’ve been wondering where everyone disapeared to all month!

TheGooner answered 3 years ago
Busy busy busy … both in sports and casino/poker.

cyclone answered 3 years ago
New converting players down slightly but revenues are up quite a lot on this time last month.