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Captainette, The Captains Wife

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  • #677007

    My condolences and deepest sympathies to you and your family. You are in my prayers and thoughts…..God Bless you.


    Being a Dad myself I can only say that real empathy isn’t possible, it hurts far too much to even try and imagine that kind of pain :(

    My sincere condolences to you Allan, Patti, and Melissa


    My heart breaks for you and your family.This is a parent’s nightmare . I too have a girl named jessica Our prays go out for you


    Dear Allan, Patti, and Melissa,

    So very sorry to hear this. Condolences and sympathy to you and your family.


    Very sad to hear your news, I can’t imagine how difficult a time this must be for you. My deepest condolences to you and your family.


    I speak for myself and my wife when I say that we will pray for her even now as we continue to pray for your family.

    We pray that your family comes through the tragedy with an even larger sense of family and love for those lost and moreover those still with you.



    Allan, Patti and Melissa,

    I don’t know what to say, except that our thoughts and prayers are with you. There hardest thing for a parent in the world is the loss of a child. No words can ever ease that pain.

    Your loss is shared by many friends who care, and if there is anything at all we can do, please don’t hesitate to call on us.

    John and Marlene Derossett


    Captain and Family,

    Like many of the fathers that have already posted I can not imagine the pain and incredible loss that you must be feeling. I have a 2 year old daughter that is my whole life and can not imagine my life without her.

    My heart goes out to you and your family and knowing that she is in Gods hands now and in a better place can be your only comfort. My deepest condolences, you and your family are in my prayers.


    My deepest condolences to your family.
    I can’t imagine how hard and painfull is such a loss.
    May god bless you


    Captain and family. I am so very sorry for your loss. Though I never met Jessica, from reading these wonderful words your friends have written here, it sounds like she was a beautiful soul. Recovering from this loss will not be easy. Stay strong and lean on your family and friends. You are well loved.




    Please accept our condolences in this time of mourning. Stay together and stay strong as tomorrow will bring new light.

    Blessed wishes.


    Patty, Melissa, and I are heart broken, but the love that has been shown here brings tears to all our eyes. In times like this we learn how helpless we really are. I have been brought down to my knees and humbled before God. The family and I thank you for all your prayers and support. For those that have called I have not been able to speak much. I want all of you to know that we as a family love and appreciate each and every one here. Remember to take time to love your children and family for time can be very short.



    Melissa has worked to scan and put this presentation together for tommorrow evening. We feel the need to share this with all our friends here at CAP.

    🙁 🙁 🙁


    Tell Melissa she did a wonderful job and we want to thank you and your family so much for sharing those pictures with us. She was a beautiful woman with such a glow, I can tell by those pics she made everyone smile around her.


    Wow.. I can’t imagine anything more painful than this. I am so sorry and will have your family in my prayers.

    I don’t even know what to say, all I have is quiet tears.

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