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AGA Lashes Out Against Proposed ‘GRIT Act’

Last week Sen. Richard Blumenthal and U.S. Rep. Andrea Salinas. introduced a proposal aimed at fighting problem gambling that's funded by existing taxes on sports betting. Under the terms of the Gambling Addiction Recovery, Investment, and Treatment Act (GRIT) about half of the money currently collected under .25 percent federal excise tax would be funneled…

Congress Ready to Tackle Problem Gambling with ‘GRIT’

A group of US lawmakers are making history by authoring the first federal bill aimed at tackling problem gambling as a wave of US States embrace regulated sports betting. If passed into law, the Gambling Addiction Recovery, Investment, and Treatment Act (GRIT) would utilize revenue from an already existing .25 percent federal tax on operator's…

SEC Coaches Get Additional Gambling Training

As regulated sports betting continues its conquest of the American gaming market, US universities are struggling with how best to handle their new reality. In the Southeastern Conference (SEC), college football's most influential league, coaches and staff are getting new training from US Integrity, and coaches are learning the value of the injury report. At…

College Athletes Trained to Handle Sports Betting Harassment

How big an impact is regulated sports betting having on college athletes? According to UCLA gambling studies professor Dr. Timothy Fong, student athletes are incredibly anxious about the potential for harassment from sports bettors. Now Dr. Fong, and others, are making certain that those student athletes have the mental tools they need to survive in…

MSU Ices Caesars Partnership as Colleges Shed Sportsbooks

Michigan State University is ending its partnership with Caesars Entertainment four years ahead of schedule. The home of the Spartans is just the latest American university to exit what once seemed looked like a very lucrative intersection between big-time college sports and regulated sports betting. With the dissolution of the deal, Caesars logos will be…

60 Percent of US College Students Bet on Sports According to NCAA Study

What kind of impact is regulated is sports betting having on American college students? That's a subject that's been hotly debated since legalized sports became the law of the land and was the subject of a recent study by the NCAA. What the NCAA found is that American college kids (aged 18-22) are embracing sports…