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PageRank Export/Update is Underway

VPGenius asked 3 years ago
The PageRank export or update, whatever you want to call it, has begun.

My web site went live in early August, and today on 11 datacenters my pagerank is showing 1/10 as opposed to N/A.

13 Answers
alexross answered 3 years ago
yep i am getting some fat rankings for my new unranked projects.. will be an interesting weekend watching the DC’s.
<span title=” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />

check your site pagerank on multiple google datacenters here

do NOT click on this link

andrewxr answered 3 years ago
Yea, I increase my PagaRank <span title=” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” /> When will next PR update?

Cash2C answered 3 years ago
As I stated over at GPWA:

“Well, I am quite irritated with this update, I went from 5 to 3 and based upon what I have read, they are dropping the PR of sites that appear to have sold or bought links to/from other sites which is quite hypocritical for a search engine that pays sites via Adsense for links! I would say that most of us that have been around for more than two years (and possibly less time) are going to be dropped due to this and regardless of how important the PR is anymore, it is still plain wrong!”

I certainly hope I will be incorrect about this but for some reason, I don’t think so…

LandofOz answered 3 years ago
Many sites dropped in pr but not in the serps.

If pr doesn’t affect the serps, then what’s the point of pr?

I also wonder if blocking pr leaks via nofollow tags would help during the next pr update. There’s only one way to find out <span title=” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />

Inspiration answered 3 years ago
The little green meter for my sites have been pushed a bit to the right side, but if it will be better for serps I have to wait and see.

Link buying has obviously had a negative impact on the PR rating so I will not do this ever. Just old fashioned 2 way linking.

I have had many requests for 3 way linking but I turned them all down, this is the same as buying links IMO.

CPAYS dropped from a PR6 to a much lower PR3 (this is what they deserve if not less), negative comments and SE spamming must have left some damage.

Some eastablished websites dropped from a strong PR5 to a PR3 that must be quite frustrating.

But if the traffic does not drop I could not care less about the little green meter.

So keep on doing the right thing ask for a link and link back and check them regularly. Dead ends is bad news.

Best Regards,

Rob472 answered 3 years ago
YouTube dropped from a pr8 to pr3 lol

Cash2C answered 3 years ago
If SE traffic stays the same and PR doesn’t matter, then it won’t matter how we link because the visitors will still be coming through…

Randy answered 3 years ago
There seem to be quite a few misunderstandings about what toolbar PR means.

First of all it’s just a snapshot of what your page’s PR was at some point in the past, and even then it’s just a vague estimate. Google is constantly updating the PR of pages behind the scenes, and just because your toolbar PR was 5 a week ago and 3 today doesn’t mean that it changed overnight.

Google Adsense ads don’t pass PR, so I don’t see how that has anything at all to do with it.

And PageRank is one of at least 100 factors that determine where a page is ranking in the search engines. If you understand that the toolbar PR update has nothing to do with what your page’s actual PR is, then you won’t be surprised that this number has changed and your position in the SERP’s didn’t.

rob3786 answered 3 years ago
I have just moved up from a page rank 0 to a page rank 3 so Im happy:3eyes:

nielsenj answered 3 years ago
After moving my website to a new domain I have received a PR1 rating. Quite surprising as my site at the old domain was PR3-4 with roughly the same inbound links. The traffic is back to around the same level as before the move, but the PR is significantly lower. Luckyly it is not the other way around