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What do you think?

refreshingmedia asked 3 years ago
Do you think its fair for a client to pay its vendor for only 10 hours for mananging, hosting, and working a large scale event and not pay her husband for working the event and photographing everyone even though the other photographer was paid?

Do you think its fair for a client to disrepect a vendor personally and tell them they are pathetic, a fat cow and to go f themselves for no apparent reason?

Do you think its fair for the client to act childish and then block email from the vendor?

We’re only talking about a final invoice of $667. Pretty sad huh?

Look around, the guilty parties here are at the highest levels. beware.

9 Answers
antoine answered 3 years ago
I agree it’s not fair but you risk pissing some people off by posting this multiple times.

refreshingmedia answered 3 years ago
Sorry if I have made anyone mad for the multiposting. I fully expect these posts to be deleted within the next few days by the guilty parties.

refreshingmedia answered 3 years ago
deleted post…

Dominique answered 3 years ago
I have removed them already. No multiple posts allowed.

I am not a guilty party though, just your friendly moderator, also known as fat cow. Although nobody calls me that to my face. :tounge2: So far anyway.

nick777 answered 3 years ago
Stop talking in riddles and spill the beans

Professor stiffed you for $667, we all get that part, you got any more clues coming

refreshingmedia answered 3 years ago
Sorry. I can neither confirm nor deny it was that person you mentioned. I am very certain they are aware of the situation though.

refreshingmedia answered 3 years ago
Dominique wrote:
I have removed them already. No multiple posts allowed.

I am not a guilty party though, just your friendly moderator, also known as fat cow. Although nobody calls me that to my face. :tounge2: So far anyway.

You know the “Fat Cow” and she happens to think you are great.

refreshingmedia answered 3 years ago
Seriously guys, it’s not about the money. It’s about the principle. After working with these guys for over 2 years, I was appalled when my wife (who has poured blood, sweat and tears into this company) and I were attacked and lied to like this. This was not the way to be treated by so called “friends”. It’s a sad state of affairs.

I only wish to resolve the problem and for a formal apology by one of the vendor’s partners.

You realize I cannot say who exactly this is for legal reasons.

—- edited by refreshingmedia

Keep an eye on these posts as I am most certain they will be twisted, deleted, spun or warped into something different all together.

The facts are: A verbal deal was made, the print project was completed and delivered, work performed at the event was never payed for despite other vendors being paid on the spot and personal attacks and threats were made (via im and email) over the last several days. The party in question has blocked emails, will not return calls and has hung up several times over the final payment.

Should they unblock email and start to act professional again.I will be happy to take this issue private again. Until then, you all should know and weigh in your decisions.

~It shouldn’t be personal…it’s just business.

TheGooner answered 3 years ago
I don’t know anything except what you’ve said here – and I don’t know any of the parties personally.

Here is my take :
If it is “just business” then there should be a written contract – outlining the services and the fees.

Usually if I am hiring someone I’ll specify a job to be done – and a fixed price.

It’s unusual to see an “hourly rate” – as I don’t care whether you use 1,2 or 10 people – as long as the task we agreed is done to satisfaction.

I wouldn’t be working on a “verbal agreement” because they frequently get forgotten or at least mis-remembered.
– What exactly was required?
– By when?
– What was the agreed fee


As for ignoring your emails – well if we’d already talked and discussed this at length then I might resort to that too – thinking … just shut up you f.. c.. – that’s not what we agreed.

Now as I say – I don’t know the ins and outs of the deal – but if your services or final bill were outside the bounds of what the client expected then …. No – I would not pay.

Potentially it’s like taking your car in for a minor repair and finding a charge for the car being cleaned and valeted at the same time. Thus doubling the bill.

It’s very nice and helpful – but not what I wanted – or what I’d be prepared to pay for.