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Updating website for SE rankings

HVDB asked 3 years ago
Recently updates are good for our SE ranking.

Is it important to edit the page on more than one section?

For instance, we have a page with a news(top) and a gambling stories(middle) section. Would it be better for us to edit the news section one day and the Gambling stories the other day?

I’m looking forward to your thoughts on this!

20 Answers
Renee answered 3 years ago
Another thing that may help is naming your folders and files according to your keywords..


Rob472 answered 3 years ago
If you have a lot of websites and no time to update them all manually, just add a couple rss feeds to your pages and they will update automatically. For example, you can put a latest news section below your content or in the sidebar and use news feeds that update constantly.

dogster answered 3 years ago
The important thing is to update the pages, which part does not really matter as when the crawler comes around it will read everything and your changes will be noted.
I had a look at your website quickly and if you allow me to make a few suggestions:

1) Internal Linking:
when an SE crawler comes around the internal linking is what takes them around on your website. There is lots of information if you google for SEO Internal Linking.

a) Your main menu on the left is currently built up from images, which Google bots dont chew. Rather have text links sitting on top of a button-like image. You get the same look as the current one, except Google will read them and take them home. This is same kind of menu structure here on CAP site if you look at the top of this page. They menu items look like green buttons, but they are actually text.

b) the more internal links you have on your pages, the crawler can go around easier and there is more chance to index more content. Another ‘trick’ is to include text link structure at the bottom of your pages. Basically you can have a footer include file where you keep links pointing to different parts of your website. As an example lets have a look at the bottom of this page on the CAP website. Each page at the bottom has a collection of links. This means that no matter where the SE crawler is, it can access any part of your site easily. Also if people drop on a 3rd level page from a search result, they can see quickly more links pointing to the rest of the site, which means they might spend more time on the site.

2) Protecting Affiliate links
The affiliate links on your site are all clearly visible, which has a few backdraws. The most important is that people can copy the link, delete your affiliate details and with that you lose the tracking and potential income source. There are different methods for protecting your affiliate links, the best if you research them on google and decide which one suits you the best.

The method i use and i think is the simplest is to modify your .htaccess file to redirect you to the affiliate sites.

For example your current Vegas Red link looks like this:

With an htaccess redirect it could look like this:

You can see that it much more friendly and it also points internally, so the user doesnt know that she will be taken away to an external site.

To achieve this result you only have to include into your htaccess file:

Redirect 301 /partners/vegasred/

You would have a line like this for each affiliate program in the htaccess file.

alexross answered 3 years ago
@highroller 159029 wrote:

Brilliant, thanks a lot.

I just reply to these threads because I am a “thanks” whore <span title=” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” /> lol.
best of luck with your site.. post it up again once you have made some modifications – the CAP community are generally pretty generous with feedback!

highroller answered 3 years ago
I found this article which looks very promising.

ALakeOfFire answered 3 years ago
I have always been a little cloudy on the SEO benefit of RSS feeds. Any content you get from a feed is going to be duplicate content, wouldn’t this content be over looked? Or is the simple fact that you have ANY updated content regularly that gives you the benefit? :hattip:

alexross answered 3 years ago
google knows where the content comes from originally and thats ok. you can noindex the pages with duplicate content if you feel it may be detrimental (esp if u scrape a whole RSS article and serve it from your site)

if u supplement some unique content with some feeds, thats ok. most portals do so, whether finance, gambling or whatever..

ALakeOfFire answered 3 years ago
@alexross 159116 wrote:

google knows where the content comes from originally and thats ok. you can noindex the pages with duplicate content if you feel it may be detrimental (esp if u scrape a whole RSS article and serve it from your site)

This alleviates the negativity, but where is the positive as far as SEO is concerned? I’m sorry if I missed it.

alexross answered 3 years ago
syndicating highly relevant content which compliments your site, but doesn’t make your site is a plus in the eyes of the SEs I am sure, however getting other sites to syndicate YOUR content via RSS maximizes SEO benefits since it makes your site look like a more authoritative site.

ALakeOfFire answered 3 years ago
That makes a lot of sense. It lends to the confirmation of you site’s relevance to your contents.

Thanks Alex and OP! <span title=” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />