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Monopolise google

rob3786 asked 3 years ago
I was just wondering,
If a casino affiliate site had unique content on everything to do with casinos tens of thousands of pages unique and links created with top sites this is all hypothetical. If this site was then put online in one day and all content updated in a day if this site had ten times more unique content on the net would it shoot to number one if out of the sandbox or does the age of a site still have a massive dominance on position.
17 Answers
Fortune Palace answered 3 years ago
Search engines have to deliver relevant information, so there’s always a ‘grace period’ where new sites will be featured quite prominently – so long as the information is timely.

If, for example, you had a site on Tsunami relief, it wouldn’t make sense for it to go through the sand box, so Google et al would feature you for a space of time.

So a mega casino site with all the latest news and offers might, in theory at least, get a lot of exposure for a couple of weeks. But then it would drop – probably like a stone.

Whether you’d get your £ millions back is debatable. But if I was a millionaire with a penchant for experimentation, it might be fun…!

Dominique answered 3 years ago
If you come in with venture capital like that you want to buy a good existing site to work from.

Any attempt to monoploize google will be for naught as soon as google catches on. And you waste your money.

If you buy a good profitable site and put the remaining money in over the course of a few years, it should work.

rob3786 answered 3 years ago
Yes it was just briefly mentioned amongst a friend of mine and an investor. He wished to start a portal when talking to me over dinner recently, and a friend of mine who has made alot of money through business wanted to know if he invested a signinficant portion of money what he could expect in terms of time and revenue. So I was just posting to get a rough idea of the situation. Thanks for the posts.

Jody Nustedt answered 3 years ago
First thing I would advise this person to do would be to employ my consultancy services at a fee of $5k per day (minimum contract 6 months)… :wink-wink

Seriously… writing lots of content would be great, but maybe hold back on publishing some in the early days to make the site look as if it is growing exponentially. I dunno, just a quick thought. Is this an actual venture?

rob3786 answered 3 years ago
If a newbie was to enter the market with a £1 million dollars how would you suggest he succeed as fast as possible without the risk of being banned. When I set up my site I obviously learnt as I went along and built the site gradually as I am guessing the rest of you have done to, but for someone with a large finanacial backing who can employ content writers to produce tens of articles a day how would you suggest they develop the site.

elgoog answered 3 years ago
and age matters a lot yeh…<span title=” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />

Jody Nustedt answered 3 years ago
I’m believe the site would be banned if they put up 10’s of thousands of pages in a day. After all, it’s simply not natural, and not something Google would look kindly on.