God i H8 PR content is king and it’s visitors that count right?. for those wondering about there pr going down, i would not worry to much the last couple of google updates have sent my main site plummeting in pr across all pages, then a couple of weeks later things settle down and it tends to bounce back better than ever, as for search engine position i can only say that mine have improved every time even though the pr has dropped each time, like i said it’s visitors that count people.
I agree 100%. Content is king. Make your site “sticky”, get good quality content out there. It’s hard to do i know, but since I stopped worrying about PR I’ve done much better.
And tonight after I made this post it reverted back to the orginal PR2 on all home pages like my intial post. Who knows anymore…
I have a new site that has NO linking setup to it. PR 3. All my other domains have gone down in PR. It’s fairly comical. And useless ” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />
I tend to think you’re right. The only advantage I can see with PR is that others are more willing to exchange links to your site if you have a higher ranking. When I was unrated I was continually being given the brush off when I requested a link, now my Inbox is full of requests for reciprocals.
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