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Affiliate Tracking, What Do You Prefer?

Mark_32Red asked 3 years ago
Hi Everyone,

I am not sure if you have seen the threads regarding the tracking at 32Red, there is a link at the bottom of this post, but it’s started a bit of a debate and I would love to hear your opinion.

Currently, when you first visit 32Red, any affiliate ID passed is stored in a cookie. This is not overwritten like some other tracking cookies. So lets say you visit, click to 32Red and do not register – then go to, click a different banner, visit 32Red and register – the original affiliate will be credited with the commission.

Our opinion is, whoever made the customer aware that 32Red exists, should be rewarded. But some people disagree – are we wrong?

It would be good to get some feedback, hopefully if we can get enough feedback on this I might be able to convince our developers that it needs changing.

Thanks in advance.


Original thread:

16 Answers
slotplayer answered 3 years ago
I believe it should be the affiliate that made the sale ie… the affiliate site that resulted in a RMP. So that would be the last affiliate.

Engineer answered 3 years ago
I voted. <span title=” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />

The comments in the other thread probably represent how most people feel about this; I do hope you will take those into account in addition to any other comments that may appear in this new thread.

Our opinion is, whoever made the customer aware that 32Red exists, should be rewarded. But some people disagree – are we wrong?

I think so…. Whoever “closes the deal” should get the credit.

Say there is a player out there who knows “of” several different casinos, one of which is 32Red. They’ve been to the site once (by going there directly, without going through an affiliate link), and they’ve visited the other casino sites as well. But they are still undecided about which casino to choose. So, they search around for some info via Google.

They find a casino review website run by an affiliate.

They read a review of ABC Casino. They read a review of XYZ casino. They read a review of 32Red Casino. The review of 32Red is more favorable than the others, so the player clicks the affiliate link and goes back to 32Red, signs up, and deposits £1,000.

Now — as it stands, you give NOTHING to the affiliate who closed the deal for you.

I don’t think that is fair at all.

That’s my £0.02. :santa2:

Mark_32Red answered 3 years ago
Interesting results so far, 6 people in favour of last referer, to 4 people who prefer first.

aksana answered 3 years ago
Thanks for the interesting poll, I think it will be fair to reward the last affiliate, and I agree with Engineer’s words. He said the 100% truth!

answered 3 years ago
I think there is one bit of info that people should bear in mind if they don’t know already, and before they vote:

If it’s the first affiliate, it paves the way for affiliates to set the cookie in hidden iFrames which is usually regarded as unethical.

Dominique answered 3 years ago
There is a thread elsewhere about this.

There I point out that this was the cause of a major affiliate uprising a few years back.

Some major sites of the times were stuffing cookies and ran paid ads for whatever getting people to cruise by their sites and stuffing the non-overwriteable cookies. That resulted in a monopolization of the market place – other affiliates were shit out of luck.

That is when it was decided that affiliates wanted to have the last referrer credited, making the cookies overwriteable and leaving the cookie stuffers without advantage.

Crediting the first affiliate encourages unethical practices by affiliates and is bad for the industry. It allows unethical affiliates to monopolize the affiliate business.

All of the old respectable brands lived through this and have overwriteable cookies.

Personally I will NOT promote any program that uses non-overwriteable cookies. I will not be doing all the sales for someone who just drives indiscriminate traffic and spews out thousands of cookies in the hopes that the rest of the affs will do his work for him.

Inspiration answered 3 years ago
so far no luck with 32red maybe because of the first referrer tracking.
I prefer that the last referrer can rightfully “claim the player”.
Hopefully it will reduce sites with popup frames too.

Besides that I would like to see #clicks and #downloads in the reporting area. Steering on #signups alone is not helpful.

bonustreak answered 3 years ago
I agree with the majority so nuff said..

Goldfinger answered 3 years ago
Last referrer and 1 year cookie! :hattip:

Nandakishore answered 3 years ago
@Dominique 168472 wrote:

Personally I will NOT promote any program that uses non-overwriteable cookies. I will not be doing all the sales for someone who just drives indiscriminate traffic and spews out thousands of cookies in the hopes that the rest of the affs will do his work for him.

I absolutely agree. I didn’t even know that such a program exists!

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