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  • #780972

    The facts:

    Thanks to Bill Clinton and the people who screamed no to reforming Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are now paying the price.
    1. push to make loans to people who were not qualified using the community development act – as a real estate broker near Los Angeles we were having 2 to 3 families get on title just to make them qualified. Of course, once escrow closed, you never saw the other people who were on the title. The only exception are the Chines since they are used to living 3 to 4 families in a house.
    2. top funds received by people were all in the same party as Obama. He was #2
    3. the head of the banking and finance committees were Dodd and Frank (I’m sure that they are glad that Congress bailed them out
    4. people that were screaming “no” to reforming the cause of our troubles (Fannie & Freddie) were all from the same party.



    To be honest I don’t think the price of petrol or current financial problems can be completely blamed on Bush but almost everything else wrong with the world today can!
    I would typically be right of centre when it comes to politics but in the case of America I think the lines are so blurred anyway that I quite happily support Obama. In fact if the election included the whole of the world as some kind of proxy then I believe it would be fairly unanimously in favour of Obama purely for the reason that America so desperately needs a change and also the fact that a black president would so piss off all the red necks. :roflmao:


    All of what you site happend during the Bush Administration. Five years AFTER Clinton Left Office.

    Budget Surplus = Wise usage of our tax dollars.

    Budget Deficit of $59.1 trillion equals massive waste of tax payers money.

    Ignore the facts and bury your head in the sand. Dont answer a single point raised. Thats the right wing extremist way.


    I love how the republicans have been spewing out this BS on Community Reinvestment Act,
    1. It’s been in effect since: 1977.
    2. Federal Government Run By George W. Bush since 2001
    3. Republican GB finally, after 27 years of republicans ignoring CRA, forces mortgage companies to give out loans to people who can’t afford 0% down, 0% against principal, Variable Rate mortgages. The white house that doesn’t acknowledge that they must follow supreme court rulings, suddenly enforce a law that every republican has bitched about for 30 years? Sure, that’s what happened:sarcasm:

    It’s so amazingly ridiculous you should be ashamed to try to use it as a reason for these troubles. It was the guys on wall street who put “Sub Prime and AAA Rated” in the same sentence, got ratings and insurance services to smoke that doobie and buy into the stupidiest idea to have hit Wall Street. This had nothing to do with CRA, it had to do with rates bottoming out and the fact that new home sales were slowing and most prime mortgage holders had recently refinanced. The solution, refi sub prime and resell it. It’s been in all the papers, they’ve been talking about it on CNBC since last summer. Only McCain shills use the CRA bullshit, since it’s just that.

    Read what CRA is:


    lol, first off politics make for great conversations,,

    Anyway as im sure most here are big media people by nature thats where a lot comes from but I have been into politics many years.

    FIRST, Clinton sold the chickens to make the egg biz look good, lots had to be rebuilt in the militry after Clinton left office. Also Clinton had at lest 4 shots at Bin Laden while he was president but deffered to return or answer the calls, busy in the oval office?

    Think aout selling your top 3 web sites, hell yeah you got a good cash surplus in the bank but next years profits will be tight no? Clintonomics..

    Now by no means to I say Bush was fantastic, but he had the crap thrown in his face year 1..

    If you all think Obama is going to to save the online gambling world your smoking some real good stuff, I assume thats the push for him.

    Oh and the last 8 years were not the great depression BTW, I hate hearing how bad things are when the economy is growing. Yeah I said the economy s growing, Wallstreet got its ass kicked but Wallstreet is not the economy.

    For the ones that say I want Palin as president, well im voting for John, not Sara lol.

    Then the last great one, talking about the 700 Billion. Nobody has more responsibility in this then our friend Barney Frank and the Secratary of the treasury.. Both shold be in prison now. I think thats going to leave a bad mark on further pregressing our goals.

    you guys who make aroung 150-300K a year, your a small biz. You pay about 29% Fed tax right now, try and suck up 62%


    Okay, it’s time for me to find the Ignore button for you chips. I like my mod job here and reading anymore of your posts will put that at risk so you take care dude and good luck to ya. :)


    Well i always had it in for you chips, because my first domain was

    I don’t enjoy your opinions, but i can keep reading, arguing. :)

    I’m not a huge bill clinton fan, i think he (like bush 1) wasted time at the start by not having a list of appointees to fill positions. I thought he blew his presidency over a blow job, when he could have admitted it day one, said he was sorry and moved on.

    But he could do math, his economic team had a middle of the road approach that was good for many on wall street and our new favorite term, Main Street.

    He and Gingrich somehow managed to do what was right and balance the budget and put us on a better financial footing. Bush came in claiming they were the only ones competant to run government. These guys are worse than the 3 stooges, these people think they’re the best in the world and their not best in the room. Cheney and Dumbsfeld and their refusal to listen to their generals is a prime example.

    So let’s see if i get this right, Bill Clinton didn’t take the chance to try killing Bin Laden, so he sucks, but George Bush squandered a chance in Afghanistan in 2002 to get Bin Laden by focusing on Iraq, so he’s better than clinton? Because he really blew a real opportunity?


    I think chips is correct that the Obama tax plan is a credit and not a bracket reduction.

    As far as toxic mortgages go there is plenty of blame to go around. Anyone thinking otherwise is just being ideological or angry. One thing is for sure both sides share one thing in common. Greed and Power.

    Expect higher inflation from this 700 billion, same for granting tax cuts. There’s a fine line between tax rates, growing the economy and inflation. They all have to be balanced.


    Just so you know, there is a big difference between a campaign worker being paid for representing them along with 20 other companies and getting money directly. Also, if you want to talk about a campaign worker receiving money and working for McCain, don’t forget to mention the 2 Obama advisors that WORKED at Fannie Mae and made millions (in fact, one guy made 90 million in 6 years while screwing the American people – forced to resign)


    @bleuze 179095 wrote:

    Just so you know, there is a big difference between a campaign worker being paid for representing them along with 20 other companies and getting money directly. Also, if you want to talk about a campaign worker receiving money and working for McCain, don’t forget to mention the 2 Obama advisors that WORKED at Fannie Mae and made millions (in fact, one guy made 90 million in 6 years while screwing the American people – forced to resign)

    Why exactly was Rick Davis still getting $15,000 a month from Freddie up until a month ago? Oh, that’s right, so they could have direct access to McCain. Second, the rumors started by the McCain camp about Franklin Raines being an Obama advisor have been proven false! Johnson who temporarily helped on the VP committee but quickly resigned from that position was the other. McCain’s camp didn’t attack on that, because it was a weak case to make. But he was certainly nothing even close to the extent of Rick Davis, McCain’s CAMPAIGN MANAGER’S involvement with Freddie Mac.


    @Erik 179096 wrote:

    Second, the rumors started by the McCain camp about Obama’s advisors have been proven FALSE!

    Just goes to show how smart the McCain camp is. :D hehe

    His dirty/negative campaign exposed the crooks on his team like the idiots on Obama’s side. I think everyone can see that both parties screwed up in the Fannie/Freddy fisco.


    Yes, you are correct – he was working to get more money for McCain – be real $20,000+ versus obama’s $126,000+ who was topped by Dodd at $160,000+
    Rumors – BS. If you remember, one of the guys (he only made I think 26 million {either he or the lawyer} because it was made public and he was forced to resign from Obama’s VP committee. However, both are still advisors to Obama. It goes once again to who he associates with – radicals
    Ever wonder who is backing Obama? Wonder no more:

    Abu Nidal organization (ANO)
    Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG)
    Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade
    Al-Badhr Mujahedin
    Alex Boncayao Brigade (ABB)
    Al-Ittihad al-Islami (AIAI)
    Allied Democratic Forces (ADF)
    Ansar al-Islam (Iraq)
    Anti-Imperialist Territorial Nuclei (NTA)
    Armed Islamic Group (GIA)
    Army for the Liberation of Rwanda (ALIR)
    ‘Asbat al-Ansar
    Aum Supreme Truth (Aum) Aum Shinrikyo, Aleph
    Basque Fatherland and Liberty (ETA)
    Cambodian Freedom Fighters (CFF)
    Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist)/ United People’s Front
    Continuity Irish Republican Army (CIRA)
    Communist Party of Philippines/New People’s Army (CPP/NPA)
    Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya (Islamic Group, IG)
    Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM)
    First of October Antifacist Resistance Group (GRAPO)
    HAMAS (Islamic Resistance Movement)
    Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM)
    Hizballah (Party of God)
    Harakat ul-Jihad-I-Islami (HUJI)
    Harakat ul-Jihad-I-Islami/Bangladesh (HUJI-B)
    Hizb-I Islami Gulbuddin
    Hizb ul-Mujahedin
    Irish Republican Army (IRA)
    Islamic Army of Aden (IAA)
    Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU)
    Jaish-e-Mohammed (JEM)
    Islamic International Peacekeeping Brigade
    Jamiat ul-Mujahedin
    Japanese Red Army (JRA)
    Jemaah Islamiya (JI)
    Al-Jihad (Egyptian Islamic Jihad)
    Kahane Chai (Kach)
    Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK, KADEK)
    Kumpulan Mujahidin Malaysia (KMM)
    Libyan Islamic Fighting Group
    Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA)
    Loyalist Volunteer Force (LVF)
    Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (LT)
    Lashkar I Jhangvi (LJ)
    Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)
    Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization (MEK or MKO)
    Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group (GICM)
    New Red Brigades/Communist Combatant Party (BR/ PCC)
    National Liberation Army (ELN)—Colombia
    Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
    Palestine Liberation Front (PLF)
    People Against Gangsterism and Drugs (PAGAD)
    Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
    Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC)
    Real IRA (RIRA) Red Hand Defenders (RHD)
    Revolutionary Proletarian Initiative Nuclei (NIPR)
    Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)
    Revolutionary Nuclei
    Revolutionary Organization 17 November (17 November)
    Revolutionary United Front (RUF)
    Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party/Front (DHKP/C)
    Riyadus-Salikhin Reconnaissance and Sabotage Battalion of Chechen Martyrs
    Salafist Group for Call and Combat (GSPC)
    Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path or SL)
    United Self-Defense Forces/Group of Colombia (AUC)
    Special Purpose Islamic Regiment
    The Tunisian Combatant Group (TCG)
    Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA)
    Turkish Hizballah
    Ulster Defense Association/Ulster Freedom Fighters (UDA/UFF)

    The above list does not include his pals in Chicago and Acorn!


    As long as we are talking about associates. How about McCain’s role in the Keating 5?
    John McCain’s Keating Five Problem In 97 Seconds


    @Erik 179100 wrote:

    As long as we are talking about associates. How about McCain’s role in the Keating 5?
    John McCain’s Keating Five Problem In 97 Seconds

    Some folks will never get it! When you start throwing ‘crap’ pies at the other party you should make sure that your table is clean.

    I can find a list double that size of the GOP crooks so let’s not go there.


    Not to change the subject, but just want to give a quick reminder for any other Michigan residents here. This is the LAST weekend to register to vote! Voter registration ends on Monday, Oct. 6th. So if you, anyone in your family, or any friends haven’t registered yet please send them to:

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