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Not Verified Error Msg

pokereye asked 3 years ago

I registered my website on Google webmaster tools to get a site map. Although, I upload the HTML file, I receive below message. Does anyone knows how to solve this? Thanks!

Verification status: NOT VERIFIED
We’ve detected that your 404 (file not found) error page returns a status of 200 (Success) in the header.

8 Answers
ixian answered 3 years ago
What software are you using to create your XML file?

pokereye answered 3 years ago
ixian;192511 wrote:
What software are you using to create your XML file?

A Joomla Component

ixian answered 3 years ago
I am not sure what html code you are uploading.

Your file “sitemap.xml” needs to be located in your websites root directory. Then you go to Google webmaster tools/sitemaps and enter the url to your sites “sitemap.xml”.

This should show your sitemap as verified in Google Tools.

If that does not solve your problem then maybe explain in detail exactly what you are doing.

pokereye answered 3 years ago
Thank you Ixian.

Here is what I’ve done so far.

1- Created the website
2- Registered with google webmaster tools
3- Received an HTML file, uploaded in my root directory. As it is requested by google, it’s viewable on
4-I went back to webmaster tools and clicked on Verify my site. I received the error message that I’ve given earlier. ( I have about 7 websites and up to this point all websites are verified without uploading site.xml)
5- I use joomla template and it has an extension component to create site map which is called joomap. Using this component, I created a Sitemap.
6-I copied my sitemap link and pasted into Site map url in Webmaster tools. The error message is still there.

I thought maybe this component is the problem so I found below link on google to create XML
I created a Site map using this, (It found 13 broken links but I dont think this should be a problem to verify my site) and paste the URL in webmaster tools.
The error msg is still there.

If the solution is creating a Sitemap along with uploading google html file, I am happy to use any Sitemap software. I appreciate if you could advise me on that. Thank you!

jagan answered 3 years ago

Problem is not sitemap, i think problem is in .htaccess file

It may be a rewrite rule that is rewriting the URLs for 404 pages and solution is to move (rename) your .htaccess file for a second and try to verify your site with the file method again. Then return (change) .htaccess back to its normal state.

It may be a custom 404 page which using the apache software error pages is actually displayed with 200 OK status and solution is to remove the “404 custom page” and try to verify your site using the file method again.

pokereye answered 3 years ago
jagan;192642 wrote:

Problem is not sitemap, i think problem is in .htaccess file

It may be a rewrite rule that is rewriting the URLs for 404 pages and solution is to move (rename) your .htaccess file for a second and try to verify your site with the file method again. Then return (change) .htaccess back to its normal state.

It may be a custom 404 page which using the apache software error pages is actually displayed with 200 OK status and solution is to remove the “404 custom page” and try to verify your site using the file method again.

Thanks Jagan,

I am not very good at this actually. I’d appreciate if you can explain one more time.
I have .htaccess file, shall i rename it just anything and verify the site and change back again? I’ve tried that and it didn’t work.

Below text is written in .htacccess file, do i need to do any changes on that ?
”# Send all blocked request to homepage with 403 Forbidden error!
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php [F,L]

jagan answered 3 years ago

Can u please send me PM with your .htaccess file, i will look into it. problems is that 404 pages is returned as 200 code which is problem in .htaccess.

Its mostly done by renaming .htacess file and verifying your site and by change in .htacess file!

pokereye answered 3 years ago
jagan;192822 wrote:

Can u please send me PM with your .htaccess file, i will look into it. problems is that 404 pages is returned as 200 code which is problem in .htaccess.

Its mostly done by renaming .htacess file and verifying your site and by change in .htacess file!

Cool, I’ll send it in 2 mins, thanks!