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Google Adds Ranking Data to Referrer String?

BobRains asked 3 years ago
Matt Cutts confirms that Google is adding ranking data to referrer string.

Could be bad for affiliates who drive most of their traffic from organic search on Google. If the operators know what the keyword was from analytics and the placement from the referrer string why won’t they just optimize for the terms themselves?

“noticed a couple of strings coming up and I would suggest your right as regards the URL strings as regards position Natural result (organic position 1)
PR Result (Organic position 4/Blended Position 1)
Google Products results
with cd certainly seemingly determing position on referrals however I would suggest this is not dependant on whether this is a blended search result or not – position 4 was the first news result (at position 4 on the page), product result (7th result – 3 organic – 3 PR)
The screenshot of the results can be found here

2 Answers
elgoog answered 3 years ago
awesome new news, thanks,

didnt vote yet, need to understand it better first :Bong:

edit to add:

when i asked for more explanation someone answered:
This is interesting. The example URL given in the blog post above is
Now, Google already send clicks on search results through those URLs – via a redirect. this is either triggered via javascript when you click on the link, or is occasionally hard-coded when, I assume, they’re testing how the javascript method is working out.
But, these URLs never show up in referrers, since they go through a server-side redirect. For it to be a referrer, it would presumably have to be a browser-side redirect like a meta refresh or some kind of javascript.
So, how are these URLs supposed to suddenly start ending up in referral strings? How will a browser end up on a URL like the above after searching for something?

o my….now i am really lost……:crazy:

JasonD answered 3 years ago
If the operators know what the keyword was from analytics and the placement from the referrer string why won’t they just optimize for the terms themselves?

It shouldn’t make any difference for affiliates that rank themselves and then direct their visitors to the merchant once “adding value” on their own site.

For affiliates that try to rank their affiliate URL within the search engines directly there will be issues but these can be mitigated and managed with careful planning.

If you’re concerned then I will be happy to provide the answers, on the back of your cashed check!