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XSS exploits and….

Dominique asked 3 years ago
I was reading this:

and did the searches as instructed and found a zillion of weird entries.

Try it with your own sites….

1 Answers
JohnH answered 3 years ago
good tip…

I recently had a ton of spam pages added to one of my sites through a different method, it is always good to stay on top of things like this. It could end up getting you dropped from the index.

If you use wordpress it is VERY IMPORTANT you use the latest version. I also had someone insert some code that was redirecting all of my search traffic ( it took me a few days to notice some random script loading in the background.)

There are a ton of different ways for them to get in (like old folders with scripts you no longer use just sitting on the sever). Anyways… I have been hacked/defaced/injected 5-6 times in the past few months and I am beginning to think it is someone else’s fault on the shared server.:Cry: