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The Value of Top Ranking keywords

itay asked 3 years ago
Top ranking keywords are an important part of marketing your business. They place you higher in search engine lists, improving your chances of gaining customers. If you want your website to rank high on search engines, you need top ranking keywords to make it happen. What constitutes effective keywording? Understanding that internet users type in more than a single keyword into a search engine. Almost everyone who surfs the web, searches for websites by using keyword phrases. Thus, the best keywords are in fact keyword phrases or keyword combinations. There are many different ways in which you can go about finding or creating top ranking keywords so that you can generate the best profits for your business. The following are some examples: * Brainstorming – Jot down all the words related to your business and what you intend to sell. Write down any word you think of, and then try linking some words together to form a keyword phrase. * Asking others – Ask your family and friends, or colleagues the words they would use to describe your business or the products you sell. You will likely get words from them you didn’t even think about. * Thesaurus – A thesaurus can help you come up with different words that are similar to the ones you already intend to use. * Analyzing log files – Use your websites logs and stats to find out the precise keywording that has been used to locate your webpage. String these words together and create a phrase. * Surf the Net – Check out the text used on other webpages and find out what keywords they are using. * Search Suggestions – usually when you type a keyword phrases into a search engine, your search will generate keyword suggestions. * Know your regions – People from other regions in your country, or in other English speaking countries may use different keyword phrases. For instance, find out the word phrases internet surfers from the UK are using. * Misspelled words – Many keywords are often spelled incorrectly. If you can find a keyword that is misspelled more often than not, this could bring you plenty of traffic for your webpage. * Keyword Programs- There are different keyword programs available online that you can purchase and use to help you create top ranking keywords. Two great programs are: KeyWordsAnalyzer and WordTracker-Magic. KeyWordsAnalyzer is a video course that has many features you can utilize to:* Gain inside tips to achieve AdSense success* Discover the keywords that rake in profit and those that don’t* Send scores of free traffic to your site WordTraker-Magic is an eBook that is easy to follow. It is based on a simple system that has been designed to show you how you can find exceptional keywords by letting WordTracker do viturally all the hard work for you. Top ranking keywords will get you recognized and increase your profits. Don’t underestimate the power effective keyword phrases have over the development and success of your business.


2 Answers
antoine answered 3 years ago
Top ranking keywords are not the end all, it is better to rank for a whole bunch of secondary keywords.

Most people would assume top 5 on google for the word casinos would bring in 1000s of hits a day.

On a good day it might bring in 20, most days less.

itay answered 3 years ago
not everyone can be on the top… so yeh, other keywords could be good as well, I agree