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Anyone able to identify this spam?

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  • #702992
    knowwhentohold wrote:
    Check this site out for SPAM they are scraping just about everyone here just go to the bottom of the page to find it all,xx[/url]

    From the domain one can see it is a subdomain the only part worth paying attention to is the ip for this domain is not the ip for is the same. Therefore I now know this person for sure has 1524 operating sites perhaps more.

    The globel access is giving a email []. possible this email address is faked. So I will take the chance and global access the ip is the email for this domain is also [].

    I feel I am on a simple track so I will pull up the whois on which gives

    registrar: Sp.J. Albert Jerka, Andrzej Kostrzewa
    ul. Sosnowa 6a
    71-468 Szczecin
    +48.91 4243780

    The person’s real site I can conclude is

    Now I pull up the whois on

    registrar: Sp.J. Albert Jerka, Andrzej Kostrzewa
    ul. Sosnowa 6a
    71-468 Szczecin
    +48.91 4243780

    The person’s real site I can conclude is

    One can push further and find out loads of information about this person. This is a very basic search. greek39


    The above will eventually lead you to the big fish which I can guarantee cpays nor 888 will shut down completely. In a nutshell that is the problem. greek39^*:rasta:


    Hi greek39,

    I have checked our database and the website (I checked a few of the subdomains on the domain, not just the one that you’ve mentioned) and it is not affiliated with CPays. They have an option in the website to send a complaint, so I have sent one. Other than that I do not believe there’s much we can do, since it is not an affiliate of ours.

    Thank you for bringing it to our attention, nonetheless.

    Best regards,

    ora at



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    Hey Ora,

    I know you have been very responsive lately and I, for one, appreciate that. Can you update me on your main spammer? I gave you full details over 1 week ago and have not heard from you about it:

    Here are the details again… This blatant spamming needs to be stopped:


    re-directs to:



    Member = aimer
    profile = 777namusa

    Please let me know by the end of this week that you have shut down this affiliate’s account. There are hundreds of thousands of pages now in the SE’s that are just there to re-direct to CPays brands.

    cpays wrote:
    Hi greek39,

    I have checked our database and the website (I checked a few of the subdomains on the domain, not just the one that you’ve mentioned) and it is not affiliated with CPays. They have an option in the website to send a complaint, so I have sent one. Other than that I do not believe there’s much we can do, since it is not an affiliate of ours.

    Thank you for bringing it to our attention, nonetheless.

    Best regards,

    ora at


    Like I said cpays will do nothing about my post. Take a gander you will find 888 and cpays together at


    I see plenty of CPays and 888 on that site as well, you have to WANT to find it thats all. Do you really not want to find it? Greek has provided you with all the information needed to find it. I am sure since you sent them an email he will stop now LOL! With 1500 scrapper sites I am sure you got his attention, I doubt it, so close this guys affiliate account.


    ORA do you really think this person lives in Polland? I certainly don’t. I am guessing Israel, U.K, Holland or Cyprus.

    I have partially nailed this one down. To keep your reputation intacked take the appropriate action and save yourself the embarassment.

    I remain diplomatic but I think your brand is leaving you in the dark. greek39


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    FictionNet wrote:
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    What would you like to see done? seeing I won’t be attending the cac I have a little more time on my hands. greek39

    greek39 wrote:
    What would you like to see done? seeing I won’t be attending the cac I have a little more time on my hands. greek39

    Honestly? I think Playtech need to be held accountable for their spamming operators.

    I’ve approached Playtech more than once to discuss the issue and they ignore me every time.

    Clearly, Playtech are fine with spam. And, if that’s the case, then what do you think they’d do with a player complaint for a non-paying casino or other problem?

    I think it’s time to dump Playtech casinos.


    If we were to dump all playtech’s I doubt very much it would make any difference in wallet size.

    I however do appreciate legitimate complaints about this spammer. Some playtech’s are very good such as the Acropolis ect…

    I will attempt to take care of the problem on my own. Ora from cpays seems to at a lost for taking swift action. I will file the propper complaints to the authorities first.

    Some Law enforcement agencies are very interested in this sort of thing. First it was CP now its’ cpays. The problem should be gone soon. greek39^*


    Good to hear you are optimistic on the matter Greek. Cpays obviously isn’t interested in taking a stance on this matter as the assholes site is still up with all of CPays and 888 on it. We all might have to be creative in our own little ways to get even with the scrappers.


    I will not elaborate but I feel I have given out enough information unselfishly. All the answers you need are on CAP already. I will no longer publicly employ myself in this arena of blackhatters.

    For cpays I will see you on top of your mound, I promise. greek39



    The mentioned affiliate is a sub affiliate and it took us some time to find his full details. All payment to him has been stopped.

    greek39 and knowwhentohold,

    Obviously your Internet skills are far greater than mine, and since the whole SEO issue is relatively new to me, I would be most grateful if you could tell me the exact page where our banners/tracking codes appear. I have looked at this website xx and its subdomains several times and was not able to find any CPays related advertisement.

    Thank you for your assistance.

    Sincerely yours,

    ora at


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