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What did Omni Win?

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    Gambling Online Magazine’s Readers Recognize Omni Casino As Best In Payouts Four Years Running

    For the fourth consecutive year, the votes that count the most, the players, have indicated that Omni Casino, continues to be both the Best and Quickest when it comes to Casino Payouts on the Internet. The honor was bestowed by the readers of Gambling Online Magazine, in the 2005 Reader’s Choice Poll.

    Continually boasting the best payout percentages of any casino, online or otherwise, coupled with the technology and commitment to ensure the fastest player payouts has resulted in Omni Casino being one of the most popular and highly trafficked Casinos in the world.

    While having the best odds in any casino is a tremendous draw, winning “Quickest Payouts” for the fourth year in a row is extremely important in the online Casino world. “What good is having the best payouts (percentages) if you have to wait to get paid when you win,” mused Blair. “I told our Customer Service team, ‘make it as easy as cashing in at a land based casino’, and they do a great job at it.”

    Best Regards,


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