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Under New Management

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  • #606180

    Dear affiliate,

    You are right in suggesting that, in the past, you did not always get the service you were entitled to from Grand Privé Affiliates. You are right in pointing out that past difficulties, issues, technical/software hiccups and lack of personal care forced you to find a home at alternative affiliate programs. Sure thing, and we don’t blame you.

    But that was in the past. Like any good operation we have taken the big broom to Grand Privé Affiliates. A change in management, strategy, software and philosophy helping to create an affiliate program that’s in touch with the needs and demands of its support base.

    We’ve upgraded everything. What you will find at your NEW Grand Privé Affiliates is much faster and accurate reporting. Vastly enhanced affiliate support and all round improved performance – both on a technical and personal level.

    But don’t take our word for it. Pop around, try us out – take us for a spin and let us know what you think, where we can make further improvements and what, in a perfect world, you expect from your affiliate group – and we’ll move mountains to make it happen!

    Enjoy the impending holidays and we hope to see you around soon.

    Warm regards,

    Irwin & Miles



    Oh now I see why my ‘fob-off’ standard email wasn’t even a reply – just meant to look like one (see other topic)…

    How many emails are you sending out today?

    – I STILL can’t run my reports

    Sorry to sound so bitter guys and gals but ‘heard it all before’ – repeatedly since ermm CAC VEGAS 2003 from memory – different people – same messages!

    The *new* program is WORSE than Referspot – less functionality and less reliability – period!

    We know what happens next – it’s the ‘tell us what we can improve’ … then… ignore it , go around the block again and we start off here again..

    Sorry – had enough of Grand Prive Affiliates – and I’m very patient and understanding with ‘problems’ when I can see them being resolved / things improving – this is just going around in circles – Bite the bullet guys – bin it and go back to Referspot! lol


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