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Reports available from November onwards.

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  • #606179

    Dear affiliate,

    Over the past few months we’ve experienced various glitches with our affiliate system, mostly software related and, again, we’ve like to apologize for the inconvenience caused.

    It gives us great pleasure, however, to inform you that the system has now been upgraded. We believe this upgrade will go some way to resolving the issues you have experienced, making for a much faster and reliable system.

    Unfortunately the data the old system relied on was slowing reports down drastically – necessitating a change in the way reports are run. The change was made and reports have run successfully since the start of November. This does mean that you will not be able access data for any of the previous months up to November 2007.

    Getting the site live quickly is of the utmost importance and we have therefore only built the reports from November onwards. We’d like to thank you for your patience and understanding in this regard.

    Please feel free to contact us if you require any additional information or assistance.

    Thank you and warm regards,
    Irwin & Miles
    Affiliate managers


    ok, lol
    i just mentioned that to Miles ,lol
    all clear now
    thank you



    wow im still showing a negative balance, never had this bad of stats with referspot :(


    My stats have generally gone down (partly possibly due to much less exposure over the last couple of years) – but even so there is a reasonable amount from forum posts …

    The way I judge (rightly or wrongly) whether or not a program is legit:-

    You can tell the ‘legit’ programs quite easily over time (a year or more) – those that generally increase their average earnings over every, say 3 months – like you would expect as you collect more players – look legit to me (I know players go also but overall – the amount of people playing on your tags should generally be increasing over time).

    Then, there’s programs where you see the same amount every month, despite new players, and small numbers of repeat depositors – either they’re being dropped out of your stats (controversial lol) OR of course, possibly the casino retention people aren’t doing a very good job at keeping your players.

    My GrandPrive stats (which I can only basically tell when I get paid!) have taken a most definite DIVE since the introduction of the new program – although still ok (and even after winning a ‘referring most players’ contest a few months back) – I’m astounded how little I earn or how many players keep playing at Grand Prive (from the stats I previously was sent via email)… bearing in mind the amount of time they’ve been promoted..

    As for Big Dollar.. well I won’t bang on about that one! lol

    I really do get the impression they are trying to annoy affiliates that have clocked up a big number of players over the years! Sorry but that’s the way I feel.. I find it VERY difficult to be positive in GrandPrive’s area in CAP ! (in case you hadn’t noticed lmaoo)


    You all can login? I get the same silly message ..

    Good News!

    Our site is being upgraded to version2! Which will make Reports a lot quicker.

    Please be patient while we upgrade. Should you have any questions, please email




    I haven’t promoted Grand Prive as agressively since we said goodbye to Referspot either. But even so, Grand Prive Affiliates has always remained one account I can count on to pay the bills.

    I was able to log in earlier today and was happy to see this to be my highest MGS affiliate program this month so far.

    My biggest gripe in the recent months was the length of time it took to load my reports. This morning it loaded like RIGHT NOW.

    I guess nobody can please everyone all of the time, but I for one, am quite pleased with what I’ve seen with the upgrade so far. And extremely pleased with way Irwin and Miles have handled things thus far.

    Keep up the good work guys!


    You just missed it Bonustreak.

    It was up, I guess with final testing. But now it’s back to upgrade mode. (Maybe adding banking options? :))


    LOL – yes after getting another reply from Miles.. I get the Upgrade screen – been that way for the past few hours..

    I’ll put GrandPrive biz to sleep again (hopefully not for a few months again lol)


    PS. Glad to see it’s working for you Daera – at least its working for someone!


    ANY IDEA when we will be able to get back into the site? Its been a few weeks now, I would love to see my stats and get some creatives.


    Wow what a sad story, I’m weeping.

    Come on, has Grand Prive actually every got their act together? Even when the new system worked for a split second, it was the worst designed system in the world.
    Whatever happened to simple easy reports that load quickly?

    When did fancy design, ajax programming and shit stats come into being more important.

    How difficult is this affiliate program game? All we want is banners and stats.

    It’s all we’ve ever wanted, get that right and win.

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