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    Hi, one of my staff members has been emailing to have a player credited, but has not gotten a reply since the 11th. Please advise. :)



    Hi Gammie

    I have nothing to add to this thread other then, I seen you were on and wanted to say “Hi” to you and yours.

    Hope other then the mia credits, all is good in your neck of the woods:hattip:


    Hey there more4me! :)

    How the heck are you girl? I hope the furkid is doing well. I’ve been meaning to drop by and say hi to you, but something always distracts me.

    All is good with me and mine. Just living life as best as I can. We got a girl furkid so that palmer has a someone to play with but she is seven and want’s little to do with a 14 month old. hehe

    I had a serious case of jet lag after attending CAP Euro London (I wanted to strangle someone after the eight hour leg of the trip) and then a bad cold for 10 days after I got back, but I’m better now.


    No prob, Gammie. I fully understand. Distraction, is my middle It’s all good as we both know, we will always be there in time of need. Guess it’s a good thing, in a way that we haven’t spoken as we weren’t in crisis/

    Congrats on you new furkid! You and Cas are just pumpin em out, eh?!roflmao! I’m surprised the lil girl doesn’t want anything to do with Palmer. Thought any ole Lady would like a young buck!:roflmao:

    I know I’m gonna blow up this post but, I finally got my camera working..sort of. Anyway, he is one content old man in his yard (He;s the ball of fluff in the dark spot of the pic. YES, I did shovel part of the grassy lawn as Mr. Alexander wouldn’t go potty in the snow. He hangs low (that’s my boy!lol) and I guess the snow got his pecker before he got to


    BTW, did you ever get your player issue solved here?




    @more4me 154565 wrote:

    Congrats on you new furkid! You and Cas are just pumpin em out, eh?!roflmao! I’m surprised the lil girl doesn’t want anything to do with Palmer. Thought any ole Lady would like a young buck!:roflmao:

    LMAO well she is fixed and had puppies 2 weeks before we adopted her, but he is not yet. All she wants to do is sit up/around Cass. She follows him around the house like palmer does me and it’s really funny.

    They have not fought (yet), but today palmer was snapping at her and she just turns her head and walks away. LOL I can tell that he is getting frustrated having to share his stuff and get nothing in return. hehehehe

    I can understand making a path for alex, but Cass would say it was nuts and that I pamper the dog way to much. hehe Palmer LOVES the snow. He runs around poking holes in the snow with his nose and comes back in with his little face covered with snow.

    Good to see that you guys are doing well. :) Take care.


    BTW the player issue was resolved the day I made this post. Cherylann does a great job. The email must have been having issues when it was sent or something.


    he is getting frustrated having to share his stuff and get nothing in return.

    Tell him, “Welcome to real life!” Best he learns the ropes early.lmao

    I hope they don’t fight on you. My God..Ted E. and Alexander went at it twice. Was scarey as hell as I was still in a brace from my neck to my waist. Had 2 85 lb Chowboys ripping eachother apart. Blood all over my white couches. It was a mess:( I felt at that time one was going out in a bag so grabbed a 2 x 4 and just started swinging. It did break them up. I managed to get Alexander in the bedroom and Ted E. in the laundry room. I sat down, had a glass of wine and a cig. Then, went and cleaned them both up. Ted E. got the worst of it with a cut eyelid.

    I can understand making a path for alex, but Cass would say it was nuts and that I pamper the dog way to much. have little tinklers. If he had to clean up after an 85lb Chow’s puddle, I don’t think he would think it was nuts. We’re not talking a few paper towels here. Bath towels, maybe.ol

    Glad to hear the player issue was resolved.

    Cherylann does a great job.

    YEP! She does! Unfortunately, I handled an issue wrongly and I think I’m on her bad side right now:( Although, I still have confidence that if I was in need, she would be professional and step up to the plate:inlove:

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