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  • #606062

    Hi Lawrence,

    I see you are on right now. If you do not know what is going on, please refer to this post:


    Just to add, don’t bs me and tell me a payment has been amde. Supposidly on the 7th? To QuickTender? Give me a break! There is not even a payment reflecting in my Palyshare nor G3 accounts. In short…the payment was never made.


    Hi Sheryl,

    First off, please accept my best wishes to you and Alexander. I understand that seeing a loved one in poor health can be an emotional and trying experience, and all my thoughts are with you at this time. I am very happy to hear that he has shown a fighting spirit though, no doubt encouraged by your unremitting love and care. Let’s hope that this is a turning point for the two of you…

    Regarding your payment, or lack thereof, let me state that, in no way, shape or form, have we knowingly withheld or intentionally delayed your payment. We have always believed that payment of affiliates is the most important thing when running a successful affiliate program, and we stand by our integrity at all times.

    Although our October payments did go out a little late this month, due to a new internal payments system, which we ran concurrently with our current system, everything had been processed and submitted to our payment processor for payment by the middle of last week. G3 payments were ready quite a bit earlier.

    Once we submit the payment instructions to our processor, they handle everything thereafter and, as far as we were concerned, payments had been successfully dispatched. Unbeknownst to us, however, the US QuickTender payments had not been paid, and we only learnt of this this morning. We have had to find our own solution to this, which we have now done, meaning that we can process these outstanding payments this morning.

    This is something that was out of our hands, and a lack of communication from the processors to us obviously extended itself to the communication between us and our affiliates. I am truly sorry about this, and was disappointed to read that you feel we have been dishonest about this issue. We believe that we operate with integrity at all times, and I am happy with the support and service that Cherylann has been giving you throughout. Clearly you have not, and all we can do is strive to improve in the future.

    The bottom line is that you (and all our other American QuickTender recipients) will be paid with the utmost urgency. I know the milk has already been spilt, but I trust that you understand the situation as it’s occurred. Believe me, we will ensure you receive your payment as soon as humanly possible.

    Our sincere apologies for this misunderstanding, particularly at such an emotional time for you. We will do our very best to make it up to you.

    Please let me know when will be a good time for me to call you, as I would like to follow up on this post with a personal explanation and apology.

    All the best,


    Just a fast note to say I was paid today :) Things happen that are out of programs control but they do always pay (the good ones at least do):hattip:


    Just a quick note to inform you that all QT payments have been finalised and the problem has been resolved.


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