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Introduction to CAP Listed Programs

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    As you all know, CAP has been focused on making several positive changes over the past few months. We’ve worked hard to come up with a new model to better accommodate the online gaming affiliate marketing industry, while also creating more transparency for our many valued members and business partners.

    We’re happy to announce that these changes begin immediately!

    CAP Certified Programs will now be known as CAP Listed Programs

    The new CAP Listed Program model does not equal a “certification” as done in the past. We have created a uniform and open methodology to list affiliate programs and operators at CAP. It’s a convenient way for affiliates and affiliate programs to communicate, arbitrate, and provide feedback to each other in an open manner.

    To be a CAP Listed Program, an operator must pay a monthly fee of $1,250; all operators pay this same basic, universal rate. For this fee, programs receive a dedicated presence on CAP for the verticals they offer. Affiliate managers for CAP Listed Programs will enjoy a greater level of access at the CAP Forum, with the ability to utilize signature link-backs, logos, and other marketing tools not available to non-Listed Programs.

    To help ensure that CAP Listed Programs operate in a transparent manner, CAP is forming an Advisory Board to oversee any possible issues that may arise in the community. With the guidance of the Advisory Board, we reserve the right to remove any program that does not make an active effort to resolve any conflicts in a timely manner. By May 31, 2009, we’ll be announcing the specific framework for this advisory board, as well as recruiting members to join, so be on the lookout for that information.

    Following up on our earlier promises, we’ve changed the way the CAP Forum is managed. We understand that open and free speech is important in the affiliate marketing community. No longer will posts be censored or users banned (with the exception of those who blatantly SPAM the system). Also, Forum members are free to discuss CAP in open terms without fear of reprisal. Furthermore, any affiliate managers who are not associated with CAP Listed Programs will still have the ability to post threads and participate in the Forum with a basic level of access.

    We at CAP will also soon be announcing additional services that clients can purchase on top of the base CAP Listed Program fee to better reach out to the affiliate community and establish their presence as a market leader. More details to come!

    During the course of our recent shift in management and policies, some programs have chosen to leave CAP. We respect their decision to do so, but we also want to express our thanks to those of you who have stuck with us during this time of reorganization. So, thanks to all of our loyal members for your faith in us! We’re confident that the improvements that begin today are just the beginning of a great new era in CAP. Stay tuned!


    thank god for transparancy.
    well done cap. :)

    AdminCAP;202670 wrote:
    Following up on our earlier promises, we’ve changed the way the CAP Forum is managed. We understand that open and free speech is important in the affiliate marketing community. No longer will posts be censored or users banned (with the exception of those who blatantly SPAM the system). Also, Forum members are free to discuss CAP in open terms without fear of reprisal. Furthermore, any affiliate managers who are not associated with CAP Listed Programs will still have the ability to post threads and participate in the Forum with a basic level of access.

    Your forum needs to be 50 times better monitored than it was, not the other way around.
    I have said that to you 68 times, long before the problems began.

    Good luck in your new ways.


    I think the opposite – the trouble began because of a lack of transparency and because people asking questions were silenced.

    This is the internet, people expect free speech and if it’s not here, it will be someplace else.

    That doesn’t mean personal attacks will be allowed, there is a difference between free speech and behaving badly and unprofessionally.


    What are the differences between the old CAP and the new CAP, to operators and affiliates ?


    It sounds like a very well thought out plan.

    More access to other affiliates programs, less comment “babysitting” and an advisory board.
    Congrats on your $1,250 fee.


    Congrats Cap for this improvements, i know you will do great with those changes!

    AdminCAP;202670 wrote:
    To be a CAP Listed Program, an operator must pay a monthly fee of $1,250; all operators pay this same basic, universal rate. For this fee, programs receive a dedicated presence on CAP for the verticals they offer. Affiliate managers for CAP Listed Programs will enjoy a greater level of access at the CAP Forum, with the ability to utilize signature link-backs, logos, and other marketing tools not available to non-Listed Programs.

    So for non paying programs, what are they allowed to do? Can they still promote promotions, and news about the program, or can they only answers direct questions ?

    Would be good to know the difference beside being able to signatures, logos etc
    what are those “extra” marketing tools that would be worth the investment.



    I presume this rate comes in immediately, meaning programs that have existing commercial agreements can claim back the difference up to the end of their contracts?


    Yes, can we please have an answer on Russel’s question, below?

    We’re definitely interested to know how this is going to work for us who are “stuck with you during this time of reorganisation” (using your expression).


    @HenrikG 202776 wrote:

    So for non paying programs, what are they allowed to do? Can they still promote promotions, and news about the program, or can they only answers direct questions ?

    Would be good to know the difference beside being able to signatures, logos etc
    what are those “extra” marketing tools that would be worth the investment.


    This question I think I can answer, the other two – please ask admin, I only know about what happens here on the message board and not financial details other than the new universal rate described above … especially not of individual accounts or regarding past agreements..

    As far as free membership, you will have limited PM permissions and no signature. You won’t see the signatures of others either. And, no, no advertising. And no access to the private member section.

    So basically what you can do is maintain personal relationships with existing affiliates of yours by taking part in conversations and, more importantly, you are able to attend to any issues that may arise with your program.


    This is definitely a positive statement from CAP Admin. It would be important to check the policies, rules, terms & conditions. I have been participating here since 2003 and would be happy to see this community back in action. But only for the right reasons.

    Are you guys planning to post the policies or announce at AAC?


    @alexross 202679 wrote:

    thank god for transparancy.
    well done cap. :)

    Yes, it’s me, the one who was anti of what most of you said during the elections.

    This word “transparancy” :Cry: I guess it going to be the key word for 09, but I gotta tell you, every time I hear it I feel like I am getting just the opposite.

    Sorry, just had to say it.


    @bud405n 202819 wrote:

    Yes, it’s me, the one who was anti of what most of you said during the elections.

    Politics are politics and business is business. We don’t all have to believe in the same politics to do good business together. :hattip:


    Right on Dom, Completely agree, I was just kindda bustin chops. :stirpot:Sometimes its good to stir the pot in a fun was when things are tense, not that I didnt mean it, I did.. I hate that word :flamer: transparancy.

    Hey Dom, All kidding aside, would you mind if I sent you a PM on some business advise.

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