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Focal Click – from bad to worse

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  • #591340

    These guys very quietly went from each casino being independent, to combining all the results about 4 or 5 months ago.

    Now they have some incomprehensible deal with bonuses, which CARRY FORWARD. In any normal casino if the player deposits 100, and gets a 100 bonus, and then loses the 200 it counts as a player loss of $100. As near as I can figure the way it counts at Focal Click is — the player lost 100, but we gave him 100 as bonus so as far as the affiliate is concerned there is no revenue. I know that sounds insane, but I think that is the way they do it.

    Now it gets worse! They are saying that if the players win this month, all the bonus money carrys forward to the next month!!! I am being told that though I should have revenue of almost $800 for this month, it is being negated because they gave out lots of comps last month and the players won.

    I don’t know if Focal Click had a change in management about 6 months ago or what, but boy have they gone downhill fast.


    BJF I am going to move this down to the Focal Click area so they can explain whats changed with the bonuses. I wasnt aware of the update and I would like clarification on how this new scheme works.


    Mark can you shed some light on whats going on with the bonuses.


    Yes Mark… Please explain – as I just added your banners in a prominent position on 2 of my sites (as you know) :)


    Here is how it works in the example given.

    Player looses $200, affiliate earnings (25%) = $50

    At this point your affiliate percentage (25%) of the bonuses given to players is deducted. $100 bonus = $25

    Affiliate Earnings: ($50-$25) = $25

    In your example of “In any normal casino if the player deposits 100, and gets a 100 bonus, and then loses the 200 it counts as a player loss of $100.”

    The player loss is $100. At that point you would earn your affiliate earnings (25%) or $25.

    Please note, winnings are not carried over from month to month. Those are zeroed out. Only the excess bonus money given out. This is done to guard against bonus abuse. In this case, the casinos must pay for the bonsues given out to players. They would be at a loss if they didn’t assess the affiliates’ percentage of the bonus given to their players.

    In this particular case, the comps added up very quickly in addition to the players winning over the past 2 months. This month, they started to loose back some of that money. BJF, I will contact you directly and see if we may be able to work something out to reduce or minimize the bonus fees for this month, so you are earning for this month. From the affiliate standpoint, it is unfortunate that most of your players have earned a substantial amount of bonus money over the past 3 months with minimal losses.

    Please let me know if you have any questions, and I would be happy to help.

    Kind Regards,



    Mark, dear!
    I couldn’t promote Focal at the full swing as you had very few and very uninviting, sorry, banners. I used to promote CarSands and had not bad results – but for now I choose (meaning CTR) only one 468X60 and couldn’t find any other effective banner . Please do smth – it’s not as hard but very useful :laughcry:


    We will have new slots banners going up today for the $150 Slots Bonus!

    There will also be an entire new suite of banners going up by the end of December.

    What are some examples of banners you would like to see and we will do our best to recreate them?

    Thank you for your comments.

    Best Regards,



    You asked me to suggest how to improve your banners. I’m now looking at Omni Casino banner farm and couldn’t pick up anything :(.
    The best banner collection I’m using – is Casino on Net’s: they have plenty of banners to choose for every occasion and all of them are rich and day-glo. If you could provide us with at least a half of the amount – we would be highly appreciated.
    Only one of your banners have good CTR – – about 1.31%, the other are below average CTR.


    Hi Elice,

    I am sorry that none of the banners work for you. I asked before what banners you would like to see, but never received a reply. Please let me know what you would like to see.

    As I alluded to before, we will have an entire new suite of banners for all properties at the beginning of January. What site/pages are you advertising our banners?

    Best Regards,



    Hello Mark, I am trying to understand the bonus structure in regards to affiliates. Are we charged for all bonus money given, regardless if the money came back in or not. I dont mind getting taxed for bonus money given out if the player wins from that money, then the affiliate eating his/her fair share is fine with me. However, if the player loses that bonus back to the casino-shouldnt that money wash out? Also I am trying to figure out what my stats mean. I checked thoroughly through out your site and I didnt see anything on how to read your stats in the FAQ. I sent an email yesterday but it hasnt been returned yet. Maybe you could just take a quick look at my stats and tell me what the numbers mean from the 2 players I have. I gotta tell you, Im a pretty smart guy and I cant make sense from those stats, says player net winnings is $757, then under player stats it says player net winnings/losses is ($312) for the same player. It might be a good idea to add a few paragraphs to the FAQ on how to read this. My affiliate id = 234562 Thanks.


    I’m not sure about bonus changes, but I do know that in my case they are not only carrying over losses from one month to the next, but also combining wins/losses across casinos. I signed up with them in the spring and unfortunately (for me) the first players had large wins and they are now using that as an excuse not to pay me on losses since then. Even their own reporting software indicates that I am owed over $3K, but still they refuse payment. I’ve been going back and forth with Frank for a number of months and I do not expect they will change their tune. I just want to make sure others know that this is a possible way you will be treated by this outfit.

    (amount due copied and pasted from their reporting screens)

    July: Payment Due: $1,179.34
    September: Payment Due: $1,690.90
    December: Payment Due: $376.00


    I guess I know who I am pulling from my sites. I just hate to see this and definitely do not want to be in the same boat.



    There are a few cases from time to time when management decides not to pay out “earnings”. In regards to the above situation (cbivitz), only one or two customers play during the month and they win big one or two months then lose, in a subsequent month, quite a bit less than they have previously won. This is the trend in this case and these customers are currently up almost $8,000. Since the casinos are in the hole for almost $8,000 management cannot justify paying a commission on money they haven’t made. Both customers are from the same area and both have discontinued playing with us even though they have balances in their accounts. This is a rare case but it happens every once in a while. We must protect ourselves in situations such as these.




    Whats next frank, a player comes out $5k winner 3 years ago, then comes back and losses $1k after 3 years elapsed. Your not gonna pay? Does your terms and conditions reflect that you will only pay out commissions if you are in the black with a player. In my opinion you are asking the affiliates to carry the risk of losses with a player and that is not the way this system is set up. Why anyone would promote a casino with these kind of terms for thier affiliates is beyond me. There are better places to promote. Although I do understand from a business standpoint how you do not want to pay out commissions on a player you havent made a penny from. I find it disconcerning to read your response to this, and then read what is in bold in the paragraph below from your t&c.

    We will pay you a 25 – 35% commission based on the Adjusted Gross Revenue generated by each customer that is linked from your site to any of the participating Focal Click online casinos. Negative balances (your referred customers win during the month) will not be carried over to the following month. Negative balances will default to zero at the beginning of the following month in order to give you a fresh start for the month provided you have at least 3 separate distinct and unique players playing for that month. It is at the management’s discretion to review accounts on a case-by-case basis and recalculate earnings if there are more than 3 separate distinct and unique players playing for that month if circumstances deem necessary. If your customers lose money in one of our properties, but win in another, you will still earn your commission based on the Adjusted Gross Revenue of the property in which your customers lost. If you have an ECash Direct account with ECash Direct (UK) Limited, your earnings will be credited to your ECash Direct by the 15th day of each month. If you don’t have an ECash Direct account, your check will be in the mail by no later than the 15th day of each month. Please note, we will not mail checks until you have earned at least $250 in referral fees. Referral fees will be based upon our good faith calculation based on our statistics.

    Edited: I must also add that after reading again the paragraph above, its possible becuase the affiliate did not have 3 players for the month, that focal may have been within their right not to pay only if the affiliate did not have 3 active players during the month in which the losses by the players in question were incurred. However too many affiliates are having problems here and where there is smoke there is fire.


    All I’m saying is that when there are obvious trends in an account we need to protect ourselves. When one or two customers, especially from the same area, win big one month then lose quite a bit less the following month, and this happens over the course of several months, we have to draw the line at some point. These are rare cases but they do occur.

    We are not in the business of screwing affiliates and I think most of our affiliates can attest to this. To do so in this day and age would be suicidal.



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