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cheque from International business centre

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  • #596530

    So I pick up my mail today and received a cheque from Cyprus that doesnt have the senders name on it. Its from the Popular bank (Citibank). There was no seperate sheet of paper saying who it was from . It was for a pretty significant amount, and I have absolutly no clue who its from…..
    The signiture is from G. Fisentzides…..does anyone know who this could be from?


    I recognize that name, its Laiki bank in Larnaca. Could be Cassiopeia = BTD.

    vluna wrote:
    So I pick up my mail today and received a cheque from Cyprus that doesnt have the senders name on it. Its from the Popular bank (Citibank). There was no seperate sheet of paper saying who it was from . It was for a pretty significant amount, and I have absolutly no clue who its from…..
    The signiture is from G. Fisentzides…..does anyone know who this could be from?
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