I have a website up at the moment to which I mainly update. It is the one listed in my signature file but anyway there was one thing I wasn’t sure about and was hoping you guys might be able to help.
I was looking to have another domain point to the site being LinuxOnlineCasinoGuide.com though instead of just pointing to the site, I want it to feature the name Linux Online Casino Guide as well as the site description etc.
Is this possible or am I better off just importing the site to the new name and do something else with the old name, so as to avoid site duplication? The main issue would be setting all the links (wow a heap I know) again, but this wouldn’t take me too long anyway.
Any help or thoughts would be appreciated.
instead of just pointing to the site, I want it to feature the name Linux Online Casino Guide as well as the site description etc.
What you want to do is check the http referrer – and serve the appropriate text (eg title text, content text) depending on whether its the linux one or not.
I enjoyed the thrust and parry for sure

now I’ll give you some Forum Kudos lol.
I got the impression he wanted two sites- if not my bad.. but hey we had a fun discussion right ?
” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />
I like the exporting idea.
(as an aside – I Just moved my blog from blogger to wpress – now I know who to call when things are going titsup!
” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” /> Lol. )
Yeah, anything you need WordPress related ping me. WordPress is awesome, way ahead of any other blogging/authoring/CMS platform and it’s open source.
We had some good banter, I agree! :hattip:

I like the exporting idea.
(as an aside – I Just moved my blog from blogger to wpress – now I know who to call when things are going titsup! ” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” /> Lol. )
Another solution is to export the blog by:
logging into wp-admin
Click Manage
Click Export
Keep “Restrict Author” set to “All”
And click “Download Export File”
Then in a new blog set up on a new domain
- Set up wordpress
- Log into yourmain.com/wp-admin/
- Click on “Options”
- Change the Weblog title
- Change the Tagline
- Change the WordPress address (URL)
- Change the Blog address (URL)
- Change the E-mail address (optional if you were using the old domain email)
- Click on Manage
- Click on Import and at the bottom chose WordPress
- Upload the XML file you downloaded. This is in the format of WXR/RSS which is a WordPress export file structred document.
I know wordpress inside out, I have my own personal blog in it and several hobby blogs. I also contribute code to the Codex and am one of the WordPress testers, if you need help with any of this just PM me. WordPress rocks!
301’ing gives 1 site – he wants two I think
redwidgets and bluewidgets.
not redwidgets redirecting to bluewidgets – I wasn’t quite sure this is what the guy wanted but it seems that he wants two sites with diff titles/tags and selective bits and bobs here and there…
I employed the same tactic on a few of my sites about a year ago and incidentally I got no duplicate content penalty (as the added content diluted the common content)..
doing it your way he doesn’t have two unique sites by my understanding.
Re: entourage – well If Jane’s lend themselves to the theme it can’t be totally ghey – so I shall check it out.
Anyway – moving along. Entourage? What’s that. I believe Jane’s addiciton provide the themetune.
It’s pretty funny, when it comes out in the UK on DVD you should get it, unless you get HBO. IT has the Jane’s Addiction song on there yupp. It’s called “Superhero” by Jane’s Addiction, trust me, you’ll like that show, it’s so funny.
I was looking to have another domain point to the site being LinuxOnlineCasinoGuide.com though instead of just pointing to the site, I want it to feature the name Linux Online Casino Guide as well as the site description etc.
Is this possible or am I better off just importing the site to the new name and do something else with the old name, so as to avoid site duplication? The main issue would be setting all the links (wow a heap I know) again, but this wouldn’t take me too long anyway.
OK, let’s go back to the start… The trubluecasinoguide.com, if you do the 301 redirect to the new domain LinuxOnlineCasinoGuide.com then eventually all the Search Engines will update their database with the new domain. It should also transfer the PR and all the link popularity to that site (in theory).
You would then have to update anything that refers to the old domain. I hope you weren’t using absolute links in the old site, because then you’d have to do a find and replace to fix that up for maximum efficieny, replacing all of the old domain links to the new one. In fact, I just checked it and noticed it’s a wordpress blog ” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” /> You can get a meta redirect plugin that does all this.
If you want the easiest answer, add this to your .htaccess:
redirect 301 / http://www.vsbc.ca/%5B/CODE%5D
Also, since your using WordPress:
[*]Log into yourmain.com/wp-admin/
[*]Click on “Options”
[*]Change the Weblog title
[*]Change the Tagline
[*]Change the WordPress address (URL)
[*]Change the Blog address (URL)
[*]* Change the E-mail address (optional if you were using the old domain email)
This way you stay clean with the Search |Engines and don’t get penalized for duplicate content over two domains.
If this sounds too annoying and difficult to do PM me and I can talk you through it on the telephone or on Messenger.[CODE]redirect 301 / http://www.vsbc.ca/%5B/CODE%5D
Also, since your using WordPress:
- Log into yourmain.com/wp-admin/
- Click on “Options”
- Change the Weblog title
- Change the Tagline
- Change the WordPress address (URL)
- Change the Blog address (URL)
- * Change the E-mail address (optional if you were using the old domain email)
This way you stay clean with the Search |Engines and don’t get penalized for duplicate content over two domains.
If this sounds too annoying and difficult to do PM me and I can talk you through it on the telephone or on Messenger.
What you want to do is check the http referrer – and serve the appropriate text (eg title text, content text) depending on whether its the linux one or not.
how do I do this?
I can enable .htaccess, how do I edit/ use rewrite engine?
My web hosting’s help centre says I can use commands, but what do I use these commands in?
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