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My site is still pr 0

rob3786 asked 3 years ago
My site is still page rank 0. It has been online since march and I have been regularly updating content. I have built plenty of links to high pr sites to. What do you suggest to speed this process up I expected to be at least a page rank 1 as it is ranking for some good keywords.
3 Answers
Professor answered 3 years ago
As long as there is no underlying reason for a penalty I would bet you will pick up PR during the next Google Update. I have a number of sites that I am hoping do the same and some have been online for a similar time frame.

Anonymous answered 3 years ago
Hi Rob,

well I understand your concern for if no other reason.. your link trading.

but if you’re ranking for some keywords… then you’re obviously achieving the ultimate goal.

so I wouldn’t get too down.

not being an SEOer .. take this with a grain of salt…. but i’ve heard the whole page rank thing is now over rated anyway.

I’d guess if you’re ranking for keywords …. that proves the point.

tuleja answered 3 years ago

Google Toolbar PageRank gets updated no more than 4 times a year, usually every 3 months but sometimes longer than 3 months. I believe the last update was the end of April. Everybody is/was expecting a late July / early August update, but July has come and gone and we are well into August.

Until Google does another pagerank update, your site won’t increase. You can’t speed Googles process up no matter how hard you try. They do what they do. Everybody would like quicker updates <span title=” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />

Keep doing what your doing. Keep adding content, unique content is the best. Keep building links. Increased SERP’s and PR will come from them. Search engine position updates much more often and is much more important than PR unless your selling links.

Once Google does their next PR update you should see an increase in pagerank from the link building you have done.