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Google does not use meta keywords tag per Matt Cutts

wayden asked 3 years ago

Matt Cutts posted this video stating that meta keywords are not used by Google’s search algorithm. For me it makes sense. Meta tags are an off page element that are not displayed to the user and only meant for search engines. Google understands that this can easily be manipulated without effecting the users experience. They state that they do use meta description to help grab snippets for their search results.

7 Answers
Dominique answered 3 years ago
Yes, I see the snippets used.

Yahoo uses meta tags though, no?

scottpolk answered 3 years ago
Yes Yahoo does use tag .. its such a small percentage, but it does. Google does as well as I have run text for unique keywords that I placed only int he Meta Keywords tag and was able to rank for that term. Now that is not to say it is a factor in the algo, but do they read it .. .yes

pokerseo answered 3 years ago
@scottpolk 211830 wrote:

Google does as well as I have run text for unique keywords that I placed only int he Meta Keywords tag and was able to rank for that term. Now that is not to say it is a factor in the algo, but do they read it .. .yes

interesting – thanks for sharing <span title=” title=”” class=”bbcode_smiley” />

Poker Dude answered 3 years ago
I was under the impression that META KEYWORDS hasn’t been used by Google in ages.

FictionNet answered 3 years ago
I haven’t used this tag for several years.

Gregger answered 3 years ago
They don’t use them like they used to, but I make sure I fill them out for every page. If for nothing else, it reminds me what keywords I am trying to rank that page for, so if I later make changes, I can use those keywords in the places where it matters; content, description, alt tags etc.

Inspiration answered 3 years ago
it improves the description of your page content and if google and yahoo do not bother much other search engines do, but do not overdo.